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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. There are people who have been in jail for longer for selling weed
  2. This is the most Riley’d thread title of all time and I am absolutely disgusted (that Giuliani is not actually in the ICU bleeding out)
  3. All these supposed solutions, and we know damn well the Dems are going to attempt to implement exactly zero of them.
  4. Fuck Hillary Clinton. She lost that shit herself by running a shitty, tone deaf campaign.
  5. Ugh, who am I kidding? I can barely keep up with bills. The automobile is bleeding us all dry. I’ll never have the money to move, I’m stuck here, my daughters are stuck here and they’re going to grow up in a world that is hostile to their existence. Fuck everything.
  6. Constitutional amendment abolishing the Supreme Court? Or would that itself just wind up at the Supreme Court too? LMAO this is so fucked. I’m fucking out of here first chance I get. Canada better get to legalizing dense housing.
  7. Sound bite the hell out of all this and then blast it on every TV channel and social media feed you can buy, from now until November 2024. ”These people are trying to destroy democracy and take over OUR country.” Should be how each ad begins.
  8. As does Genesee county! Flint is just like Detroit, minus the current “cool factor” and probably about a decade behind in gentrification efforts. But the seeds of renewal are being planted as we speak.
  9. They said that about Detroit right up until people started swarming the city, but okay.
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