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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I make fun of my fiancé for being short and child-like, all day every day.
  2. I know it’s not going to happen, which makes this PSA even sillier.
  3. People over the age of 50 don’t really have a concept of locking your phone before putting it back in your pocket
  4. Lol. If Russia nukes us, NYC alone would get 5-10 warheads. You can’t duck and cover from that.
  5. Pussies. Taco Bell and Burger King didn’t close shit during the crack epidemic!
  6. You know, we really should have a Gritty react. For when Philadelphia inevitably invades D.C. to save the Union.
  7. Yes. Our only hope of ever exploring anything outside our local group of stars relies on faster than light travel, or wormholes.
  8. Damn, this is basically what I was going to post. We have to point our telescopes at a point in the sky and gather light for hours or even days just to see the faintest image of the brightest and most energetic events in the universe. Catching a signal from an alien civilization is just insanely unlikely. Not to mention, while life itself may be common, highly evolved sentient life capable of putting signals out into space is probably unfathomably rare.
  9. He’s trying real hard to break into the top 5 most punchable people I’ve ever seen.
  10. If the world nukes itself, modern human civilization really has no right to continue imo
  11. President Biden will share the Webb Telescope's first image today - CNN AMP.CNN.COM President Joe Biden will share the first image from the James Webb Space Telescope on Monday at the White House at 5 p.m. ET. The rest of Webb's first images will be released on Tuesday. Come onnn let’s see them aliens
  12. I’ve never gotten more dirty looks from old people in my life than when I went to Japan. Their racism is entirely silent, but eerily strong. Can only imagine what it’s like for people of color.
  13. Thought it was just me. There’s some moonspeak or something in there that doesn’t play well with our shit
  14. My school had a big party bowl of condoms AND lube at the front desk. Needless to say, it never even got touched.
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