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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I mean, we’re just seeing the associated light and translating it into “sound” but there are actual pressure waves being generated in the gas that can be thought of as analogous to “sound” through our gaseous atmosphere. There are also multiple analogies to sound in quantum fields and wave functions. Sound is really just the frequency of a waveform regardless of medium.
  2. Guess it’s time to mint some NFTs of the White House on fire.
  3. This is pure Michigan. When my dad was a kid, the Flint river was bright fluorescent green from all the paint that GM was dumping.
  4. Being in the hospital for a few days because you got rhabdomyolisis from heroin use is bad enough, I can’t imagine spending weeks or even months in an ICU.
  5. Fuck EVs. Nationalize public transit and dump $3 trillion into it over the next 5 years. Assholes. So sick of hearing about this credit as if it makes one lick of difference either way!
  6. Aw come on man. Ironically co-opting right wing memes is hilarious.
  7. Oh well. EVs aren’t going to save us from burning. The entire concept of a society based around private personal transportation flies in the face of environmentalism at every level
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