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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I got ridiculed for posting this masterpiece when it first dropped.
  2. Objects flying at supersonic speeds with no thermal propulsion trail? Objects starting and stopping on a dime or making perfect 90 degree turns? Disappearing into the water? Flying out of view and then showing back up on radar 60 miles away? I’m not saying any of this actually happened or that it wasn’t some kind of sensor malfunction, but it is at least interesting.
  3. You don’t think it’s at least a little bit interesting that government officials are talking about objects whose capabilities exceed that of any presently known technology?
  4. The amount of testimony from pilots describing craft behaving in ways that are beyond our current level of technology is the most eyebrow raising element of this whole affair. Man-made drones can’t move at supersonic speed and then stop and turn on a dime, no matter how advanced. Then you have the reports of supersonic craft moving without any kind of thermal exhaust trail. Fascinating stuff.
  5. If advanced civilizations really are flying around in our atmosphere, it’s most assuredly unmanned drones.
  6. The chances of life meeting other life are only near zero if warp drive technology is actually impossible (requires large amounts of negative mass, which does not appear to exist anywhere in the universe). Who knows, maybe it can be created in the lab!
  7. While I do believe Europeans exist, I find it hard to square that they’ve mastered the art of oceanic travel but need to land on our beaches to monitor us or take our spices.
  8. My dad and his brother saw a glowing orb about the size of a pickup truck 100 ft above the street when they were kids (this would have been around 1969). He said it moved parallel with the road, made a perfect 90 degree turn and then continued down the street. He said it made an extremely loud noise like a vacuum cleaner and had multiple colors like a soap bubble.
  9. What’s the deal with this movie anyway? I can’t figure out why it’s supposed to be “bad”?
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