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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I remember thinking it was fun and cool to troll people on internet message boards, you know, when I was a teenager.
  2. At least climate change is pretty much guaranteed to hypercharge immigration in the coming decades. If we could just build more housing and public transportation we’d be all set, for the most part
  3. I broke down and bought an XBAWKS and the new COWADOOTY, and a nice 70” Samsung to boot First major gaming purchase in I don’t know, like five years. I’m a huge sucker for Infinity Ward.
  4. As a white person I don’t feel like I’m allowed to comment on any of this
  5. I’ve developed itching all over my body. No rashes or anything, and it’s non-stop. Benadryl will make it go away for a few hours, then it comes right back full force. Haven’t been to the doctor yet, but it definitely feels nerve related. This is ongoing for the past month now. Covid??
  6. I don’t care if you’re fucking Stravinsky, making music or any kind of art does not excuse you from being a piece of shit. Especially when you have an enormous global influence on culture.
  7. Uh dude this is a private internet forum. There are no ‘rights’ here lmao, you can and will get banned for being a shithead
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