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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Good Detroit style has crispy as fuck edges with super fluffy, buttery insides.
  2. Detroit style is technically a deep dish pizza. Chicago style however, is basically a casserole.
  3. Real fatasses like myself know that Detroit style is secretly the best.
  4. Spoilers: the economy is fundamentally sound. Lots of people are still just scarred from the GFC and Covid layoffs. They’re afraid of success!
  5. I owe $2860 in late payments on my car, and it’s currently hiding in my brother’s garage. I’ve been dodging the bank for months 😂 I’m too afraid to answer the phone. Getting laid off + depression sucks.
  6. The cops essentially vanished from my entire county in 2020 and have not returned. Haven’t been pulled over in years.
  7. A reminder of what sparkly and glamorous NYC looked like not that long ago: Cities can and do crawl back from disaster. Detroit will be no different.
  8. Yeah it’s snowing where I live (now for the first time all winter) checkmate
  9. Well this turned into the Official Kid Beating Thread pretty quickly.
  10. You can thank all the brown people for preventing a similar demographic collapse in this nation. EDIT: I’m not joking.
  11. Happy Thanksgiving you fucks. Tomorrow begins my journey toward getting ripped. I ordered that book and it should be here tomorrow. I will try to keep my progress updated here. Currently sitting at around 192 lbs.
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