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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I’m telling you we’re all literally just parodying the white race at this point
  2. I’ve noticed a lot of my younger brother’s friends (Gen Z) view social media similar to how my generation viewed drugs. Something to be avoided at all costs.
  3. Yeah, I think a lot of us saw this coming 10+ years ago. Online bullying was already getting bad on Facebook when I was in high school.
  4. All this technology is bullshit because at the end of the day, touchscreens are just quicker and easier. Same reason VR will never replace mouse and keyboard. Some things aren’t broken and don’t need fixing.
  5. I’ve never written a single line of code in my entire life, and even I can tell that this is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
  6. My dad is convinced that Elon’s true goal is to destroy the company on purpose.
  7. Holy fucking shit, this. If you can’t buy crack in your neighborhood, it ain’t that fuckin dangerous bro!
  8. Perhaps there is hope for this shithole country after all.
  9. COVID cost Republicans the presidency in 2020 and the midterms in 2022. This really is the joke timeline!!!
  10. I’m feeling overwhelming pride for the state of Michigan these past few nights! I’m really not used to this
  11. Tons of Americans view guns in EXACTLY the same way as cars or dirt bikes or power tools or grills. It’s just another harmless “man hobby” to them. Do you guys not understand this?
  12. We’ve known for a while that Gen X fucking blows.
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