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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. This article is so poorly written and redundant. And completely hyperbolic.
  2. Jesus fucking Christ. This is the world we live in. This is our reality. The bad ending we all chose. Open the code book, turn the keys, get it the fuck over with.
  3. I think we all just assumed milk comes from your mom and felt no need to mention it
  4. I eat so much goddamn cereal. I go through a gallon of D milk in about a day and a half
  5. So this shit is going to wind up being available mostly to just the rich, right? I would love to be proven wrong on that one.
  6. Nope fuck that. This is exactly what people mean when they say the GOP controls the narrative. Democrats need to energize their base with a radical candidate because Trump is a radical candidate, and FUCK the conservative pundits.
  7. Yes, and that’s precisely the difference between our two countries. You’re the same as us, minus 90% of the batshit insanity.
  8. What makes Bernie a ‘terrible’ candidate? He’s not the best but how on earth could someone think he’s terrible?
  9. I don't see any indication that this was a nuclear explosion. Most likely a conventional chemical explosion that spread radioactive contaminants around the area, which is still pretty shitty. If an actual airburst had occurred, even a tiny one, satellites around the world would have seen the double-flash and x-ray/gamma rays.
  10. Nope, it's one of those retarded sub-sub-sub genres of metal.
  11. The entire conservative approach to mass shootings seems to be pretty well scripted at this point: thoughts and prayers -> video games did it -> change focus to left-wing "extremists"
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