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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Man, only Americans would complain about getting free money in a global health pandemic because it means a few people might not go to work for a few weeks. We are a fucking shit hole country
  2. If Trump loses re-election because 500,000 of his base is gone, I can’t say I’d be crying over it.
  3. This is all just so fucked. I’ve been delivering pizza for my brother’s store which is usually good money but I’ve been getting about half of what I’d normally make in tips. Then to top it off, the owner of the franchise called an ‘emergency managers meeting’ in Oakland county (ground zero for the outbreak in Michigan). Said something to the effect of, “it’s all an overblown political/media sensation.” A few hours later, my brother’s girlfriend isn’t feeling well and having panic attacks, and he decides to quit on the spot pretty much, after 4 years. One manager is out sick with a fever, another just put in his two-week notice. Now I’m wondering if the store will even be open next week.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/18/politics/mario-diaz-balart-coronavirus/index.html It’s officially in Congress
  5. The short term hit to the economy is going to be unlike anything any of us have ever seen
  6. Only one new confirmed case in Michigan today. Good news, but I can’t help but think it ain’t because containment is working
  7. I love Bernie but if 1+ million people end up voting for him and handing the election to Trump again, then fuck him and fuck them.
  8. I love it when rich people lose tons of money. I don’t love it when normal working folks are watching their 401ks dissolve.
  9. Yep, along with whites-only immigration, the end of Roe V. Wade, Brown vs. Board, and a dictator in the White House.
  10. So I just lost my job. I work for a small telecom company with about 30 employees. Instead of giving us paid time off, they just shut the whole company down "until further notice." The email ended with instructions on how to collect unemployment.
  11. Imagine trying to explain to him why he has to get a second test if he already took one.
  12. Don’t worry guys, car-centric municipalities are going to start going bankrupt left and right over the next two decades. Those that adapt by implementing bottom-up, community oriented & URBAN planning strategies, and invest in progressive zoning and public transit will survive. Municipalities consisting of nothing but big-box retail and suburban tract housing will run out of money and they will have two options - a continual tax-cutting race to the bottom with dwindling services and crumbling infrastructure, or a high-tax scenario which will result in stagnant growth
  13. Rehab isn’t magic. Its results are good in some places and bad in others. He needs to want it.
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