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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Why aren't more people talking about this? It's like a defcon 5 alert
  2. I’m trying to picture close-quarters urban combat between the PLA and volunteer civilian fighters. It’s pretty horrifying. Hong Kong is incredibly dense.
  3. Man, remember back in like 2013 when Tesla was new and exciting and Musk hadn’t yet had the chance to make an endless fool of himself?
  4. It just dawned on me that Canada will eventually be a shithole due to its geographical proximity to America. Guess my new #1 choice is back to New Zealand
  5. Uh. If I recall correctly, Krillin got impaled like a bitch by phase 2 Frieza and then died.
  6. Meanwhile, here in the dumbest state in the union: https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/2020/04/13/protest-planned-around-capitol-against-whitmers-stay-home-order/2981130001/
  7. Honestly, what good is Free Market Capitalism at this point? It has made half of us into minimum wage earners. It has decentralized and offshored our manufacturing capacity. It has been slowly wittling away at the middle class for the last 30 years. It blew up the global financial system in 2008 and cost normal folks 5+ years in lost earning potential. One single company built and then destroyed the city of Flint, and three companies did it to Detroit. Wealth inequality is worse than it was 100 years ago. Good higher education is literally unattainable for the majority. Now we have this virus and tens of millions have lost their jobs and health insurance. Oh but we all have shiny phones and Netflix so it’s all good who cares
  8. Gas in Detroit is under $1/gallon. Last time I saw prices like this I was 9 years old.
  9. https://www.crainsdetroit.com/coronavirus/whitmer-feds-told-vendors-not-send-medical-supplies-michigan?fbclid=IwAR2iS2UA_OidzQAjfRuSQMevFLKXXlw2cqw0Bm6M5QnJpL_thUt2zmL1Wo4 Trump killing Michiganders to own the libs
  10. All of Southeast Michigan is getting fucked right in the ass by this virus right now. I’m honestly terrified to continue working right now.
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