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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Don’t wear a bright orange mask or he’ll accidentally shoot you in the face
  2. I literally hope his virus purges the dumber members of our society. It would be hugely helpful.
  3. Dr. Fauci has resting ‘trying so hard not to laugh at all this bullshit’ face
  4. Huh, that's funny. Michigan is pretty below average here. If you listen to conservatives here it's all "hurr derp de derp nursing homes blah blahh Whitler is a mass murderer herpy derpy." Turns out, once again, they're just fucking wrong on everything.
  5. Gloves off with these assholes. I’m done being nice. They can get fucked. Fuck “moral” superiority, these monsters don’t deserve it.
  6. A million Americans will die from this disease, and jack fucking shit will be done about it.
  7. Or else what? What do you think is going to happen if China and Russia have hypersonic missiles? The only scenario this makes one lick of a difference is THE END OF THE WORLD. Fuck all military spending. We have all the nukes. We don’t need anything else.
  8. It’s 2020 and the world’s two largest nuclear powers are literally fighting with sticks and stones. Einstein was right!
  9. Let’s go Whitmer! Half of Michigan loves and her than other half thinks she’s Hitler. So in other words, she’s be a great VP
  10. This is all just so, so disturbing. If he refuses to leave in November, I’m buying a gun and driving to DC.
  11. At this rate, we’re probably going to need an Official Thread of Fascism and Pigs
  12. Who cares? Next time they do this, there won’t even be an Earth to return to
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