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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Any solution that relies on “new technology” is bound to be a disaster. We’ve been ignoring thousands of years of urban design wisdom for the last seventy, and every time we try and correct course it’s some bullshit top-down silver bullet. This shit is not rocket science. It’s zoning.
  2. The only thing that would put a significant dent in inner city shooting would be to completely outlaw handguns, nationwide, and even then there are enough lying around now to continue the killing for another 20 years.
  3. Y’all are a bunch of downers. American cities have made tons of progress in the last 10 years. But we’re still waiting for the real paradigm shift, and I’m hopeful that the demand for safe, clean outdoor living in cities will curtail car culture in the long run.
  4. America needs to stop building new road infrastructure. Federal funding should pay for maintenance only. And this doesn’t even begin to touch the real problem, which is our nation’s zoning and incredibly unproductive development patterns.
  5. These people deserve to be shot in the streets. You guys are arguing about whether or not it’s okay to call them mean names.
  6. Holy fuck. 2012 sure was an innocent time looking back at it now. I wonder what the country would look like today if Romney had won.
  7. It makes perfect sense that the only difference between right-wing extremism in Germany and the US is that our right-wing extremists are dumber and louder.
  8. So this is now The Official Thread of Existing While Black Bear?
  9. Not gonna happen. Conservatives have mastered the art of denial and mental gymnastics. Trump could blow Putin on live TV and they would still find a way to defend him.
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