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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. Every once in a while some IGN shit slips into these threads and I love it lmao
  2. Oh boo hoo, it’s been fucking hot everywhere. No one is ‘fleeing’ Cali because of the weather.
  3. If you ever want a direct window into the heart of the American consciousness, just read the Facebook comments on a shooting article
  4. A national shutdown should have happened months ago. Don’t expect any good news about anything until Trump is gone.
  5. Yes, I know. They all came from Queens 80 years ago and then mutated.
  6. Long Island is actually the worst ghetto in the nation. And by that I mean, it’s a ghetto of Long Islanders, among the worst people our nation has to offer. Just a sliver of a step above people from Florida. On par with Metro Detroit as far as white dipshitery.
  7. Ah, let the domestic terrorism begin! Come on 2020, don’t let me down!
  8. This. They know Biden is going to win and they’re trying to sabotage the economy he will inherit.
  9. Honestly, if that's what it takes to get Trump out office, I hope the economy completely falls off a cliff. We need news reports with live footage of teeming masses on the street to shock people into doing something about this historic mess. The economy is always what kills the incumbent president.
  10. Useless? She’s a direct threat to the nation. She’s probably the 2nd most dangerous member of this administration.
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