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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. The rust belt should benefit nicely from the future climate refugee crises.
  2. I hope it hits the moon. Knock that bitch out of orbit, and into the earth. The whole planet would be liquid in 20 minutes. Best ending, or bestest ending?
  3. I’ve just been automatically ing any and all posts containing Trump tweets. I have sweet dreams every night of watching that fat fuck’s head roll.
  4. I don’t care if you shot the POTUS in the face or blew up the capitol building. The right to vote should be inalienable, for everyone, period.
  5. Believe it or not, we did this to Japan too! They understand urban planning though, so their cities are still fine.
  6. It’s not just you guys. Substance abuse skyrocketed during the pandemic and it’s still getting worse.
  7. Oh wow, we’re already to the senators getting arrested stage? Jesus Christ.
  8. I’ve been using the internet for 19 years and I have never used it to lie even once. Message boards like this are the only place I’m actually honest.
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