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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. I went to Kuwait City for a day and it was 114, which was enough to have me pouring sweat before we even got down the ramp to the bus. I can’t fathom how anyone could survive that heat without AC.
  2. I did it for 3 summers in NYC. I’d rather be on a train to Auschwitz
  3. Even in Michigan we get long stretches of 90+ weather every summer now.
  4. I think the saddest thing about the collapse of our nation is that we fucking deserve it
  5. Thank god this madness is spreading. It was starting to feel lonely here in America.
  6. Not to be a both sideser, but...both sides of this incident were stupid.
  7. Yep, there was definitely no cocaine or adderall in his system. Healthiest President in history. No Xanax. Just unbelievably healthy, you wouldn’t believe it.
  8. If I were John Oliver, this would be a complete honor.
  9. To be honest, I’d completely forgotten that this board has no-no words. It’s been a decade since the last time I logged into IGN.
  10. Their words, not mine. Calm down. People need to realize that right-wing militiamen are living in the 1960s.
  11. Herp de derp. Something something blue lives. Fuck all these assholes. They’re out there for one reason and one reason only: to shoot black people.
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