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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. If one more of you motherfuckers types RGB instead of RBG I’m going to have an aneurism.
  2. The founding fathers were a bunch of pretentious hypocrites. Who honestly expected this country to last more than a few hundred years? I mean shit, we already broke up once and it still holds the record for deadliest conflict in our history. Most countries that survive civil war...well, they usually go on to have more civil wars.
  3. Come on 2020. Kill another justice and even it out. You’ve got the pandemic as your cover.
  4. @Jason fix the damn title. It’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg not Ruth Green Blue.
  5. At this point, nearly 10 months into 2020, I don’t even fucking know what this means.
  6. Lmao. Not only do these people already exist, there are people who believe 9/11 didn’t even happen.
  7. The babies are ground into a paste to make avocado bread, then shipped to liberal college towns across the nation.
  8. Lol. Trump’s doctor probably hand delivers him 90x scripts of whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants.
  9. I only heard a little bit of Biden from the other room tonight, but what I heard sounded sane, cogent, confident, and dare I say, ~p r e s i d e n t i a l ~
  10. I’ve said it before & I will say it again - I am an internet culture historian who spends ~70 hours a week reviewing memes
  11. Being alt-right is cool among the types of kids who would have frequented /b/ back in the day. Which is apparently a much larger percentage of the overall youth population than it was 10 years ago
  12. If I get a bad case of Covid, I’m killing myself with heroin, so that way I can contribute to at least one epidemic’s stats.
  13. Michigan may be the most well positioned state to withstand climate change in the country, and my parents want to retire to coastal South Carolina. I'm constantly trying to convince them they're making a huge mistake.
  14. This is typical of suburban folks outside major cities. I’m guessing they think Toronto is a drug and gang infested ghetto, too.
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