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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. That dude has done so much to damage the reputation of the left.
  2. As I am a man who has smoked a fair amount of crack in the past, I guarantee you that Hunter is laughing his ass off at those comments. Being a crackhead is the most miserable hell you can imagine, but looking back after achieving sobriety, it’s fucking hilarious!
  3. And nothing of value was lost, on either side. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of America’s insane courting of the Catholic Church.
  4. The issue with breaking this country up (unless you’re specifically splitting off the Bible Belt), is that the ideological divide is not regional. It’s more or less evenly spread, across the whole country, between cities, suburbs, and everything in between. What would be more practical at this point would be to allow large cities and metropolitan areas to secede. Or you know, kill the electoral college (lol) and re-write the constitution (double lol). But selective secession is actually possible.
  5. It’s pretty easy not to be FB friends with dipshits, but it probably helps that I’m from a historically blue county in mid-Michigan. I’ve effectively purged my friends list of anyone with opposing political views, thus creating an echo chamber, which is fine because none of it fucking matters. Hell, even this place, for all its intelligent and nuanced discussion, can get pretty echoey at times.
  6. Again, why is no one shooting at her? This was basically your last chance!
  7. Yeah at this point, I'm fine with burning the whole thing down, because that's the only way things are ever going to actually change.
  8. What the fuck? If the paparazzi can snap a photo of her, then surely someone could have shot the bitch!
  9. I don’t know, my gut feeling is that it’s only a matter of ten or fifteen years before this shit spirals into a full blown guerrilla civil war. I mean fuck. Everyone has fucking guns now.
  10. Ever since these connections came to light, I’ve never been a bigger fan of the guillotine. Just take out the entire 116th congress and any living member of any previous congress, along with every living former president. Except Obama I guess.
  11. At this point, I’ve lowered my expectations so low for the future of this country, that I just hope I end up living in the part that doesn’t become real life Handmaid’s Tale.
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