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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. My grandfather spent hundreds of thousands of our family’s collective wealth on medical treatment that would require a change in lifestyle, and he had to have one procedure done after another because he refused to change. It eventually claimed his life. Should this care not have been available to him?
  2. Cities grappling with gentrification need to allow their neighborhoods to develop to the next incremental level of intensity city-wide, in every neighborhood.
  3. The road funding is a waste of money anyway unless 100% of it goes to maintenance. America needs to stop building new highways.
  4. The obsession with AVs is going to completely wreck all of the progress we’ve made in unfucking our cities.
  5. I don’t see a civil war happening in the modern United States. But we may need to prepare ourselves for increasing domestic terrorism.
  6. It has been interesting to see British media’s meteoric downfall so closely in parallel with our own. What other developed nations have news like this?
  7. What is happening to the world. It’s just like an endless, shitty spiral into darkness. This must have been what it felt like to the educated classes of Europe in 1938.
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