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Posts posted by number305

  1. My wife and I watch the show.  It is a good fun cop show.  Not something life changing, but better than most content that gets pushed out these days.


    Also I have read several of the books and I like that they did a pretty faithful representation of who the characters are but they have created their own path and aren't just retelling the stories from the books as a straight adaptation.  

  2. 21 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    Does it even make new to still do the show? It’s a prequel series and he’s quite a bit older and looks older than the same character years “in the future”.

    Maybe pull a 'Parks and Rec' and have the final season jump several years in the future.  Find out what happens to Saul after he moves to Omaha to work at a Cinnabon.  Turn the prequel series into a sequel series.  

  3. 1 hour ago, JPDunks4 said:


    Yeah I get that, but why bundle something it there's no inherent value in the bundle?  At least make it like $12 a month or something so you save a a few bucks buying them individually.  


    At this point you can usually get deals for 6 months of gamepass for like $30, and I still dont pay more than $40 for Live.

    Good point.  My only thought is that it is a first step to someday merging them.  Game Pass is the future, and Gold makes less sense all the time.  

  4. 14 hours ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

    This is honestly the best thing I've ever seen from current DC and better than anything Marvel has ever put on film. I'm amazed how realistic this movie is going to be. The streets are so gritty and real I could almost smell the piss and trash on the streets. 

    I'm not sure if you are joking or not.


    Comic book movies are a poor place to look for or expect realism.  I know that Nolan tried to push in that direction and had success - but overall to try to contain comic books in a realistic setting is to misunderstand the whole set up.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    As I said, I'm fine with it as an alternative option, but changing the film negatives or digital file with new CGI is different than restoration and video clean up work. I'm all for the latter, but I'm only for the former if the originals are still offered in the best quality possible as well. I prefer Blade Runner: The Final Cut but I still believe Blade Runner theatrical version should be preserved in high quality.


    Also, I would not want this becoming standard practice. As I said, updating CGI for every film every 10-20 years just seems silly. The movies are good regardless of CGI and better CGI doesn't make them better or worse. Story, characters, dialogue, stakes - even shitty CGI doesn't bother me if I'm otherwise invested in the film. That's why classics remain classics despite looking dated. 

    I think we pretty much agree.  I doubt this will happen to many films.  I mean there is a cost involved to do the work.  They are only going to 'mess' with movies that they think they can make a bunch of money selling special editions of.  

  6. 48 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

    No, that is a terrible idea. Maybe as an alternative option, but you can't recreate lightning in a bottle. I would hate for Gollum, for instance, to be redone. Everything will age. Even if you update the CG now, it will age again in 10-20 years anyway. Then what? Update movies periodically forever? What about non-CGI dated issues with films like their practical effects, animatronics, models, etc.?


    No. Just no. Maintain the original artistic integrity of the work. It's partly why people hate the Star Wars special editions. 

    I think people hate the special editions for the changes/additions.  Not for the straight forward improvements to existing visuals.  Making the light-sabers look better, and making some of the cockpits not semi transparent for example are two touch ups that I don't think anyone complained about.  


    I think if a studio wants to revisit and touch up a classic with just touch up to visuals then that is a great idea.  But when you start tweaking dialog, adding or changing things then I would agree that it is a bad idea.

  7. spacer.png


    Looking at this image I just had a thought.  I kinda did an internal double take then had to pull up infinity war to confirm something...



    I think when Thanos snapped - he died too.  The above poster started the thought in my head.  He is not in color like the people that are alive, he is grayed out with the people that are dead.  I went back and watched the scene in IW.  When he snaps he immediately is inside the soul stone talking to the child Gamora.  He is never seen on the battlefield again.  My theory is that he is dusted along with everyone else.  For the final scene when he is on the farm I think that is some form of afterlife.  To undo the snap I think the Avengers will first need to bring him back.


    I haven't read the comics.  Am I way off base?


  8. On 3/17/2019 at 9:28 PM, Mercury33 said:

    Episode 2 was solid. Moving even further away from the abstractness that was season 1. I’m not sure how I feel. On the one hand I’m enjoying the clearer vision and story that’s being told. On the other hand it’s just missing that certain feel that season 1 had. That even though everything was crazy and nonsensical(looking at it in the short term) you needed to see what was next. It was an extremely unique feeling show. 


    Side note: I can’t wait to here Gaimens thoughts when the show ends. They are miles away from being a faithful adaptation of the book. It’s almot a completely different story at this point. I’d love to know how much of it were changes he wished he could have made to the book. I know Jesus was added in a later edition of the book so I’m curious how much is changes he ok’d for the sake of telling a story on screen vs changes he wished he’d made in the first place. 

    Here are some thoughts from Gaimen https://www.indiewire.com/2019/03/neil-gaiman-american-gods-season-2-interview-1202049623/


    Honestly you probably won't ever get his real thoughts.  I does not sound like he is super involved from that interview.  He has made a few passes on scripts, and he has talked to a few people to help give background and motivations.  As an author if he does not like the changes he can't come out and say that.  He is getting paid so there is a lot that goes into those comments.


    I got to hear Lee Child (the guy who wrote the Reacher books) talk about a year ago.  It was interesting because he told the story of when they told him Tom Cruise was going to be Reacher in the movies.  He was basically blindsided by the news and hated Cruise for the role - but contractually he could not at the time say anything bad about the production.


    I'm not saying that this show is bad.  I haven't watched it.  I loved the book and have been wary of watching the show because I have seen all the mess around the production.  I just don't want to stain the story in my mind.  So the show may be great, but I don't know.  I haven't watched it.

  9. 3 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

    I think it looks good. I like that it will be not just a shot for shot like Beauty and the Beast and Lion King. 


    Also is anyone else really really really curious what the inevitable Little Mermaid remake will look like? And how they’re going to pull that off without absolutely terrifying little kids. 

    Has there been something said about it not being a shot for shot remake?  I haven't seen Aladdin for a while but most of what I see in the trailer seem like scenes directly from the original.  

  10. 23 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

    I had a few problems with captain marvel, but my biggest is the way she just dominated everything to end the threat. Felt like there was no struggle, just awakening and then ungodly power.

    The worst possible version of Endgame would be if she shows up to the Avengers complex after they have been beaten a couple more times already (2/3 of the way into the movie) then she just takes over and saves the day for everyone.

  11. 4 minutes ago, chakoo said:

    Uhh Stadia can allocate multiple GPUs so this is a silly thing to make a point on (ignoring that usually these rumors are usually wrong).

    I think it is significant.  MS and Sony will want to make sure that both of their consoles will provide a better graphical experience than what you can get by streaming. 

    Going by the GPU numbers that google has given out is really all anyone can go on at this point.  Will there be a premium price for Stadia for using multiple GPU's?  Is raytracing or HDR even an option?

  12. 32 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    My expectations are set accordingly - I'm just hoping for something as good as The Winter Soldier/Civil War/Infinity War, and I think that level of expectation is fair. As for Captain Marvel, what I mean by pivotal role here isn't that she's in the movie and does an important thing, I mean how much screentime is she getting? Is she just gonna show up and tell everyone to shut up and listen to her? Is she in a supportive role like many of the characters in Infinity War or is she co-lead with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, etc.? I already assume she will be key in defeating Thanos but I'd rather her almost be used like a weapon for the plot and be a supporting character rather than she takes over everything is all. She's too new to Endgame for that.

    My expectation is that this is going to be an Iron Man/Captain America movie with tons of supporting actors.  


    My guess is Iron Man Dies (sacrifice to save the world) and Cap goes back in time to hook up with his girl and stays back there to live his life with her.  

    I'm probably wrong on all that.  I have a terrible track record on predictions.  

    • Haha 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


    I believe he killed half the Asgardian refugees. Valkyrie would have been with the half that was sent off into space. What's not fair is that his finger snap would have dusted half of those people.


    Also, yeah, the Iron Man crew made it out fine while the Black Panther crew gets left with just Okoye. I swear someone at Marvel noticed and that's the only reason Okoye is on the Endgame poster. I somehow doubt she has much of a role in the mounting attack against Thanos. That probably means Black Panther won't have a representative in the undust people campaign. I'd love to be wrong, but I kind of doubt it.

    I don't think they were intentionally trying to kill off all the black people... I think the intent was (for the most part) to reassemble the avengers team from the first avengers movie.  Notice that they all survived the snap.

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