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Posts posted by number305

  1. 1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


    I don't think he can see the future. I think he's more of a search engine. With a lot of data you can make some good guesses.

    He has at least two prophetic visions in the show. Ned dying, and the ironborn attacking winterfell. 


    He got Jon to tell Sansa who he was, which started the mess at the end of the show. He had to know how that was going to turn out. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Brick said:

    I don't get why people are upset at this news just because they're disappointed in Game of Thrones this season. This season is suffering because it's shorter and feels rushed; there's no reason to believe that these Star Wars movies will be. I'm looking forward to what they do. 

    Even if you put all of the blame on them it does not mean Star Wars is in trouble.  The list of directors that have never made a bad movie/tv show is pretty short.

  3. 2 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

    BOLD Prediction: Star Wars will never move past the Skywalkers

    It's been confirmed that there are no skywalkers in the Mandalorian show... so that theory was debunked quick.


    Also unless they screw with the story of how Vader came about in Ep 9 then any timeline that takes place prior to ep 1 would not have the skywalkers in it because Vader didn't have a previous bloodline.  

  4. 33 minutes ago, NeoJoe said:

    I saw that today too and was going to post it! haha


    If that had been in the original movie, I would be a HUGE SW fan. But alas! lol

    Whoever made this has some big talent. There are obviously a few parts that don't look perfect, but it is a fan edit. 


    To be honest this scene makes more sense than the original one now if you pair this movie with rogue one. Vader was a badass at the end of that movie, so for him to be slow and awkward fighting Obi-Wan is even worse now. 

  5. The real megaton announcement will be when Sony allows MS Game Pass.  


    And that isn't really a joke.  Microsoft does not really care a ton about hardware sales, they want the subscription service.  Sony could see it as a win because then everyone could play all the MS "exclusives" on the PS.  



  6. 20 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

    Do we think they will cast relative unknowns for F4 and X-men, or will they get a few big names? Personally I hope they don't go too young with X-Men.

    I would agree with not going too young.


    As a matter of fact... I would love it if they would find a way to keep Jackman as wolverine.  He is obviously getting old, but Wolverine is a pretty old guy with slowed aging.  Jackman could still play the role for another 10 years if he stays in shape.

  7. 5 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


    If only they photoshopped a storm trooper in that second box.

    Per their usual the stormtrooper would miss. 


    I expect Star Wars to do very well this December, but I don't see it being in Avatar/Endgame territory.  I think for Star Wars to compete in those waters they need to take several years off and come back with a fresh story.

  8. I remember watching a documentary on this about a year ago.  They were showing current footage from the site and it was chilling.  There were piles of clothes from firefighters etc that were just abandoned.  Nearby city that was built for workers at the plant was just completely abandoned and it looked like a horror movie set because it was just abandoned in a day.  At the same time there were some people who still live relatively near by and are unaffected.  Not sure if it is downwind or what the reason is, but they are happy and not radioactive at all.


    This series looks great.  HBO puts out great stuff.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    Maybe it’s blue because the flame is hotter than the other dragons! :o 


    Lol.  I am pretty sure it was a design decision...


    However if you think about it blue flames are usually produced when there is an increased oxygen supply.  Since this dragon was a zombie and does not need to breathe it's exhalations would have a higher oxygen content than a living dragon (since the living dragon would supposedly use oxygen in it's lungs and expel carbon dioxide like us).  Probably not enough of a difference to that dramatically change the flame color but its a shot.  


    Or the Night King could have given the dragon dentyne ice.  

    • Haha 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    It’s a wight, so it should...? The theory surrounding Viserion’s fire being blue is that it was surrounded in magic to protect him from killing himself each time he breathed fire.

    I was going with the theory that his fire was blue because a) it visually separates him from the other dragons allowing the viewers to quickly determine which dragon it is, and b) it looks cool.

  11. 4 hours ago, Brick said:
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    Also about the all female lineup shot; one of my coworkers said she loved it. That's who it's made for. Yes maybe it's "forced" or "pandering", but shut up it's fan service for a very specific group of fans, and really no different than any other kind of fan service we've gotten before. Great little shot. 



    I'm good with it.  In fact I think they have enough good female characters now that a female team up movie could be a good idea.  But they might need to leave Captain Marvel out of it.  The only thing that made me roll my eyes at that scene was that Captain Marvel didn't need any of their help at all. 


    It would be like me offering my assistance to 1989 Mike Tyson if he was in a bar fight.  


  12. Spoiler

    I got to see the movie yesterday.  My quick thoughts are that it was very good, but not the best Marvel movie to date.


    A couple of nitpicks:

    - The world would be in horrible shape after the events of this movie.  If I am understanding everything right people got dusted... then were gone for 5 years, then all reappeared.  If this were to happen in a real world there would be devastation.  Once people disappeared there would be a huge panic and rioting, deaths... Half of the housing in the world would be abandoned.  Many people suddenly single would move on in 5 years time and remarry.  Having half the world's population suddenly reappear there would be a GIGANTIC housing shortage.  All those abandoned residences would not be immediately inhabitable.  There would be mass food shortages - no one had been planning for them to come back.  Along this same point it looked like Peter Parker just waltzed back into school to see all his old friends.  At least half of his friends should have already moved on and graduated college by this point.  I'm guessing that loose threads like this will just never be addressed.


    - As for the girl power moment in the movie... it did kinda make me laugh.  Not because of women banding together, but because Captain Marvel just took out the entire fleet of ships that Thanos had arrived in all by herself.  She didn't need any assistance from anyone to fly that gauntlet 200 yards through random thugs.  


  13. 5 hours ago, TheGreatGamble said:

    Whoa there. It was good. It's not even in the top 30 beest films ive ever seen. It was a blast, a spectacle, lots of fun, but it's still a superhero movie. And not the best one at that (Dark Knight and Logan are both better). 


    I mean calling any Marvel movie ""Best movie I've ever seen in my life" is a bit of ridiculous hyperbole. 

    I think everyone is entitled to opinions of their own.

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