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Posts posted by number305

  1. 3 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    You really think there are people who are going to spend $15/month on gamepass that don't own an Xbox?

    Yes. I think there will be many people who will buy a ps5 and pay a subscription to play ms exclusives. They will then find out they have access to a ton of 3rd party games, and will have to make a hard decision to buy those games for Playstation for a nominal graphics bump. 

  2. 1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:


    I think they run the risk of many people just forgoing their consoles entirely from now on. 
    They're giving us too viable options other than buying an Xbox.

    Your mistake is thinking this isn't what MS wants. Actual console sales are not where the money is. Consoles in the past have been sold at a loss or with very small margins. 


    Microsoft is making a killing in the subscription game. If everyone next Gen purchases a ps5, but also subscribes to xcloud to play the ms exclusives and game pass games... Then MS still wins.  They don't care about the console war. They want to make more money. 


    • Like 1
  3. Not sure why you would name call the guys in this video. DLR is the one who looks like a douche.  Those guys were just having a party and Van Halen probably popped up on a streaming Playlist. I can't fault a bunch of young guys for not recognizing an old rock star dressed in a three peice suit. He obviously thought he was going to get a different reaction since he got a camera crew to follow him for it. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

    In retrospect, Rambo III is hilarious because it's essentially "Rambo helps the Taliban beat the Russians".

    To be fair the Russians were the bad guys in every movie of that era.  Also the US was actively funneling weapons to the mid eastern fighters at that time...  which is what helped to form the Taliban.  The whole unintended consequences thing.  We should have never given them weapons... just sent Rambo to beat the Russians.  

  5. Something looked off about the trailer to me and reading some others comments online I think what I figured out is the hair is wrong for Rambo.  With the short cut hair he looks like his expendables character in this.  Hopefully for the big fight at the end he at least ties on a headband.


    Other than that I hate the music in both this trailer and the new Terminator trailer.  The music in both trailers does not match the action at all for me.  It seems like to me they just grabbed whatever was #1 on the chart when they were finishing up the trailer.

  6. 4 hours ago, TwinIon said:

    I think it depends entirely on how the new films do. Star Wars has never been as big overseas (~50-55% overseas gross vs ~60-70% for the MCU). If the upcoming trilogies we know about fail, or start doing numbers closer to Solo than Rogue One, I can see them being cut short in favor of trying to make another "mainline" entry.


    I'm not even sure what the timeline for that is though. I would think at least 10 years barring absolutely catastrophic failure.


    The flip side is that I can see a new trilogy potentially quite well. Imagine if either new trilogy is able to increase its appeal overseas as that market continues to expand. A Star Wars film with an Endgame like 70% overseas % could be enough to convince Disney they never need to return to the original well.


    No matter what, if they do try and make a new mainline trilogy, I hope it's not following the Skywalker bloodline.

    I don't think there is anything magic in the Skywalker name that will bring automatic ticket sales.  The original characters had a magic.  But if you don't have Vader, Luke, Han, or Leia than the Skywalker name isn't going to help much.  Starwars X featuring Bob Skywalker isn't going to sell any better or worse than just an altogether new story.

  7. On 5/23/2019 at 6:33 PM, Mr.Vic20 said:

    Standing face to face with Darth Vader is really something! Things you don't think about. I'm apparently taller than the average storm trooper, but ever so slightly shorter than Darth Vader! Also, wielding a light Saber never gets old!  :sun:

    This sent me down a rabbit hole.  I had to find out how tall Vader is supposed to be.  Google thinks Vader is 6'2... however the first actor to play him was 6'6 and he is listed on other fan sites as being 6'7 1/2 .  So I guess it depends on which legs he attaches that day...  


    2 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    It's been said multiple times that Dark Fate only takes Terminator and Terminator 2 into account. The rest is just homage or inspiration, but not canon. :) 

    We should take bets on what the first movie series will Legacy Sequel existing Legacy Sequels.  My money is on Alien.  Someday someone will make a movie and say 'yeah ignore Prometheus'.

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Fuck if I know. This is according to all reports: 




    It's known as a "legacy sequel" which is what the recent Halloween film did as well as what Prometheus and Alien: Covenant did. 

    I have no idea how this information ties in... but Brett Azar is a bodybuilder who was the body stand in for the T-800 in Genisys (they CGI put Arnold's face on him) and he is in Dark Fate as well in the same role.  So I don't know if Genisys is part of the history (future?) of this movie or not, but I'm pretty sure we will be seeing the old (young) version of Arnold.  

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