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Posts posted by number305

  1. 59 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    And let's not forget many probably don't know this news yet who would be angry about it, who will find out when the trailer drops or whatever and then you'll really see the hate. Wait for it, I'm calling it now. :)

    I think that right there is the problem.  People aren't waiting for the backlash... they are prematurely reacting to a problem that has not manifested yet.  There very well may be a ton of racist stuff when it comes out.  We have seen that reaction before.  However I don't remember much backlash when they did this with Annie a few years ago, so maybe it never comes around.

  2. To be fair I have not done a ton of looking, but so far all I have seen about this on the internet is people being triggered about people who are upset about the race switch.   What I haven't seen is any actual people upset about the race switch. 


    There is a big #notmyariel trending right now, and I scrolled it for a few minutes, but it was all people defending the new actress. Didn't see anyone mad about the decision. 


    I think we have hit a point where the backlash is now preceding the outrage. 

  3. 3 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

    <---- Never got rid of cable, feeling pretty smug right about now :p


    3 hours ago, ort said:

    I also have cable. The experience of watching shows recorded off of cable onto a TiVo is still 10 times better than streaming.

    lol.  Nah.


    Just because the new system is still all getting worked out does not mean that a caveman setup is preferable.  


    A good setup with cable or DirecTV is going to run you about $140 per month (a setup with a healthy package of channels, HD, multiple tuners etc)  You can pay for LOTS of streaming services with that money.

  4. 41 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

    The Office is the most-watched show on Netflix. Friends is second but not even close to what The Office gets.


    Netflix also made The Office significantly more popular than it was when it aired on NBC according to an NBC chairman.


    This is a huge reason why Netflix is bulking up its own content; Netflix originals have grown a lot in terms of views since last year, and they're gonna need that as stuff like The Office and probably Friends are removed from the network.

    Yep yep.


    Netflix has been dumping tons into new development for years.  They have some legit hits like Stranger Things.  They are going to need to keep those going because the future does not look good for them getting other providers goods.  Eventually everyone is going to have their own streaming services.  That will someday contract again because several of them will fail.

  5. 1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

    Can we just please skip straight to the part where we just invent cable again? Disney is going to have at least three major streaming services, AT&T/Warner will have two. Other networks like CBS, NBC, have apps, plus a million apps that are channel specific. Then you've got the tech giants like Netflix, Amazon, Youtube, and Apple. There's just a ton of stuff, and as they're all competing with each other, they're all going to inevitably raise their prices to pay for everything, and pretty soon we're going to hit the ceiling of what people are willing to pay. The less successful services that can't garner a sufficient subscriber base will get rolled into others, and soon enough everything will just be a bundle again, and we'll have re-invented cable TV, but on the internet.


    In the meantime it means all these doomed streaming services are going to desperately try and poach just enough content to justify a subscription, and it's going to continue to be a freaking pain.

    I certainly hope there will be a hulu/Disney combo pack that isn't full price.  Amazon I still consider part of my prime membership... then Netflix and HBO GO.  After those I can't/won't do any more.  At least not without figuring out which of the others I would cancel.  


  6. 1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    It was still more of a child of the 60's show than Batman post Dark Knight Returns and Year One. I know Burton is on record saying he was inspired by DKR wh ed n making the movie. There's still more camp in the film than I think needed to be at the time. Plus as great as Keaton was, he just didn't have the physicality to sell you as Batman.  That movie was saved by great art direction, costuming and production design.  And Jack Nicholson's over the top performance as the Joker.

    I'll agree with most of that - except I think Keaton was great.  I don't think Batman could show much physicality in the suit they had for that film.  Keaton could hardly move in it.

  7. 14 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:


    yeah I enjoyed the hell out of the first two books but disliked Mockingjay quite a bit. Not surprisingly I ended up feeling the same way with the movies 

    This is my experience as well.  


    This prequel book is an obvious cash grab.  Either the author has no other great ideas, or was pressured and gave in to the publisher.

  8. 4 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

    I don't see how this is a story.  I don't see any numbers attached or any proof this has traction anywhere.  Its just ... hey some whacko somewhere in the world did this and posted it on the internet.  Why shine a light on it or care?

  9. 18 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    Your point is that everyone is going to go to Game Pass and MS "wins" even if they sell fewer consoles, and that it's somehow backwards to want physical media. For the latter, I think it's just the wording: you probably mean old-fashioned because it's certainly not backwards to want to purchase a piece of media.


    For the former, they're not the only cat in town, and console sales help drive everything, including amount of people on your streaming service.

    I don't mean anything bad by backward. Old fashioned is a fine definition of what I meant. 


    I don't think Ms is an automatic winner, but they are currently positioning themselves for the future better than most... Google is right there but it's hard to tell how dedicated they are. 

  10. 12 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

    We still have people buying vinyl, getting MP3s as part of the purchase and wanting to own the music. That demand allowed what is an old technology to resurface with new artists putting their work on records.


    Streaming is growing, but wanting to actually own your stuff is something that a percentage of people will always demand because it's better than not owning it or watching it leave for no reason, especially with games that need to be de-listed due to licensing reasons.


    To this day, buying a 4K player isn't backwards at all; it'll get you the best picture and is a great way to watch movies. All can co-exist and likely will next gen.

    You are just reinforcing my points. 4k player sales are terrible. Samsung stopped making them a few months ago because so few sold. Vinyl sales are the very definition of backwards and hipster. 


    That being said I have all that stuff and spend money on physical products when they are meaningful. I never said consoles would disappear, just that they won't be the standard in another decade. 

  11. 6 hours ago, SoberChef said:

    Also, in terms of streaming ... who is actually down for this going forward? Please let me not only BUY the games I want to play but also allow me to keep a copy of that license in perpetuity no matter what going forward please & thank you. Fuck streaming a game.


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    Did I come off as too much of a curmudgeon there?


    You don't sound like a curmudgeon... You sound like a person buying dvd's 10 years ago. We are just at the very beginning of of game streaming. In a decade buying a console will seem backwards. 

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