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Posts posted by number305

  1. 19 minutes ago, sexy_shapiro said:


    I hope you’re having a nice day. :sun:

    Beautiful day.  I love this time of year when it just starts to cool down a bit and football season finally starts.  Work is a tad busy, but I love my job so I can deal with that.  I honestly hope things are going well for you too.


    As long as we aren't calling each other Hitler, or wishing for death or dismemberment for each other - then there is no reason that civil conversations cant be had about topics where there is disagreement.  

  2. Well it sure is obvious no one in here is triggered by me or by this netflix show.  Not like anyone is digging through past posts to try and find something that resembles dirt on me, or literally calling for the deaths of people that they mildly don't agree with.  (by marching them into the ocean at gunpoint.)  Real reasonable little mob we got here.  Does everyone have their cute Antifa ski masks and finger-less gloves on?

  3. 6 hours ago, sexy_shapiro said:


    Oh? So chappele’s allowed to say faggot on stage but I can’t make a joke about how he’s sounding eerily like a conservative comic now?


    Yeah, maybe you are the one getting triggered if you took that comment completely seriously. And that isn’t litterally what I said. You’re doing a lot of projecting here, to be honest. I’m honestly not mad at the special. It got a few chuckles out of me but I was expecting more.

    Wow... How rasist are you? Comedians drop n bombs for years, but 1 gay slur sends you into a tizzy. 

  4. 2 hours ago, sexy_shapiro said:


    I don’t think anyone in this thread is actually triggered. All of the responses here seem very level headed.


    Accusing someone of being triggered has become a knee-jerk response for fans of edgy comedy towards anyone who doesn’t find a particular joke funny. “Oh, you didn’t find that funny?! You must be... TRIGGERED!”


    Or, you know, maybe comedy is subjective and not everyone is going to find humor in what you find funny.

    Dude, you literally said that the only thing keeping him from being alt-right is that he is black.  


    That statement is both ignorant and racist.  I would say you are triggered plenty.  

  5. 37 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

    I'm planning on watching this some time this week, I'll share my thoughts then. I've been a massive Chappelle fan since his pre-Chappelle Show stand-up so I'm curious to see how this one fares.


    I actually didn't like his last set of Netflix specials (or is it regarded as one with two episodes?) on my first viewing a lot and found it a bit unfunny. I somehow had the urge to watch it a second time and it clicked with me and its format made way more sense. His story-telling abilities are great. 

    I'm in the same boat as you.  The previous Netflix specials were not real great to me.  This new one however was great.


    Dave was pretty obviously poking at the PC culture.  I do think he is somewhat upset at some of his friends that have had their careers ruined (CK), but I think there is a bunch of material here that is not necessarily what he believes - but he is poking the PC crowd intentionally to get a reaction.  He was obviously wildly successful.  I'm sure he is reading threads like this and enjoying all the people he triggered.

  6. 2 minutes ago, sexy_shapiro said:


    The thing is that I don’t think Kevin Hart’s material was trying to make a point. I think he was using humor to express his fear of having a gay son, which is a very common fear unfortunately. The but of the joke was the gay kid, there was no self awareness behind his humor by acknowledging that maybe he’s overreacting towards this scenario. If there was some self awareness then maybe there joke would have worked.

    You win. You are the most woke. 


    Can we talk about Spiderman again? 


    I have seen on a few scetchy sites talks of a new 6-7 movie deal.  I think there is still hope something gets worked out. 

  7. 6 hours ago, sexy_shapiro said:


    Skillz has a long history on this board of supporting the bottom line above all. If anyone criticizes Marvel he just points to their profits. Oh, they must be doing something right if they are making so much money, he argues.



    When Kevin Hart made jokes about physically beating his gay son Skillz argued that he was forgiven because it didn’t hurt the profits of his latest movie. He has no soul when it comes to movies and entertainment. It’s all money and profit for him. Again, Skillz has repeatedly said that jokes about beating up gay kids is okay because it doesn’t hurt profits. 


    He supported James Gunn being fired not because he cared about the quality of the movie, but because he cares about $$


    Skillz argues that it’s okay for the Rock to be selective about how he presents himself to the public because it makes him money. Do you know how else was very successful at crafting an image for the public? Trump.


    6 hours ago, sexy_shapiro said:

    Two things made me loose all respect for Skillz:


    1. When he came in support of the merger.


    2. When he said that Kevin Hart’s jokes about beating his gay son are “no big deal”. Clearly. Double a heterosexist standard. Would Skillz be okay with a white comedian making a joke about beating his adopted black son because he’s acting too black?

    Two things mad me lose all respect for @sexy_shapiro


    1 + 2 - these two quoted posts.

  8. 1 minute ago, Dodger said:

    I wish there was some sort of real competition for this. I have Cox for cable and now that I've been out here over a year My bill went up because the intro 1 year price is over. So I was going to switch to Directv and the other internet company you can get out here, but all the reviews said the service is shit and their customer service is somehow worse than Cox. Cox might be expensive and have typical cable company customer service, but at least the service works fine. 


    I'm thinking of canceling the cable in my name and switching it over to my girlfriends name so she gets the new customer rate for the next year. 

    I have dealt with Cox.  Just call and tell them you want to cancel.  They will transfer you to customer retention and start offering deals.

  9. 2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Personally, I think it's damn near impossible to predict what the next Game of Thrones will be... No one saw Game of Thrones being as big as it became. Prior to Game of thrones, Networks were chasing what the next Lost would be... prior to that it was The Sopranos. It's extremely hard to predict what the next big show will be that captures the public's imagination the way these shows have. It will likely be something we just don't expect.

    Yeah.  Guessing what is going to become super popular is really hard... that is why all these shows get huge budgets and most of them fail.  


    It is kind of funny that so many shows of the same genre have been green lit - everyone is trying to capture that audience.  In reality the next big thing probably won't be fantasy.

  10. 2 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


    Still their best album though.



    Metallica's last album was pretty solid. Lots of great riffs and songs. Kirk's solos are still as shit as they've been since ReLoad though.

    You are a wise man.


    I'm not judging recording quality.  Judging the content.  Early Slayer recordings sound like they were recorded inside a tuna can... but those are some awesome songs.


    And really the last two Metallica records have been a little better.  Death Magnetic was worlds better than (black album/load/ reload/ st Anger).  Hardwired was better yet.  


  11. 15 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    Not surprised Metallica would be part of this. The same bunch of pussies crusader against Napster for having a file of an unreleased song that could have only been uploaded by their own fucking people. 



    ... and then the album wasn’t worth the cost of the Bandwidth it would have taken to download it. 

    Napster BAD!  (google it)

    14 hours ago, Bloodporne said:


    Just repeat "I could be Lars Ulrich, I could be Lars Ulrich..."

    Lars is a joke.  He is the cause of just about everything bad with Metallica.  It is pretty much his band.  Their first 4 albums were all great.  The black album was the beginning of the end.

  12. From those announcements I'm most excited for Blade.  Ali is a great actor and it will be awesome to see him in that role.  I don't really want them to acknowledge the previous movies, but it would be cool if they could find a place for Snipes to be in the movie some how.  


    #2 announcement for me (and I'm a little surprised it hasn't got more talk here) is the What If? series.  These could be great.  Especially with the real actors giving their voices.  We could get more Iron Man!  With this series being animated and not tied into the cannon we really could get just about any scenario.  Imagine if they got Wolverine (Jackman!) to team up with some of the original Avengers... or fight Hulk.  That could be very cool.

  13. 1 hour ago, sblfilms said:


    It is really a slap in the face to one of the most talented people in the business today to suggest they have compromised their artistic vision for a cheap round of headlines. As though a major franchise like this even needs the help!

    Well then slap slap.


    I think the term auteur goes out the window when you sign onto a tentpole flick like Bond.  I'm not mad, if the previews look good I'll go see this.  It is just very on brand for everything else that is happening in 2019.  

  14. Pretty good contra style game.  My kids played it a good bit over the weekend.  I do wish they had an unlimited lives option (my 10 year olds can't really get past the first level).  There are unlimited continues, but it starts you back far enough that for unskilled players they can't advance.

  15. On 7/10/2019 at 10:08 AM, Greatoneshere said:

    I was being genuinely honest - I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how I'm being wrong in my characterization of a certain group - @sblfilms and @number305 tell me I'm clearly and easily wrongly - so surely someone can explain to me what I'm missing? :)

    Sorry man, I have been off the site for a bit.  


    I really don't care enough to get into a debate.  So I'm gonna drop it.  I have yet to see anyone's mind changed about religion or politics on the internet so I just don't see any purpose in discussing it.  

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