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Posts posted by number305

  1. 52 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    I only saw it the one time during the 70mm roadshow screenings. I *hated* it. @skillzdadirectanailed it on the idea that QT’s self-indulgence is fine when it works towards the benefit of the film. It just doesn’t here.

    What kills me about is that nearly every aspect of the film is QT at the top of his craft, but he simply enjoys the smell of his own flatulence a bit too much. Scenes run too long for no good reason. Dialogue gets too verbose even by QTs standard. The film is gorgeous, particularly the exterior work, and then he leans in to this boring single room setting all while touting the large format film and classic lenses he used.


    Still need to revisit it, QT has earned that from any fan.

    Well thanks.  That sums up my feelings better than I could have written it out.  Except that I really have no desire to revisit it.


    I do like re-watching the short clip of the guitar getting smashed.  The looks on faces when they are all horrified that Kurt smashed the real guitar on accident are... much like the guitar - priceless.


    • Haha 2
  2. 49 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    I wonder if one of the streamers will pick it up. They probably can't unless they pay HBO a ton of money.

    With HBO owning the rights I don't see this happening.  Netflix pretty much turns their nose up at most content if they aren't allowed to own the rights anymore.  Also I'm not sure just putting GOT on the title is going to guarantee another hit.

  3. 18 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    Unfortunately, this is the reality that Marty and other filmmakers of his era just fail to understand, hence his resentment for the Marvel movies.

    This would be different for me if it was a normal release.  Here we are only talking about 26 days difference until it hits Netflix.  If it was going to be 4 months I might pop for a ticket.  


    But your point is valid.  For a super long movie with very limited special effects (outside of de-aging actors)  this very well could be a better experience at home than in a theater.  

  4. 3 hours ago, Jason said:


    I've seen the suggestion that this is what Han is talking about when he talks about how many parsecs he can do the Kessel Run in--that there's probably a standard route that most people take, but that because he's such a great pilot that he can take a shorter but more difficult route.

    I'm not sure if you are joking or if you never saw Solo... Where that was the whole plot. 

  5. On 10/24/2019 at 8:48 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

    So does anyone plan on seeing this in the theater or is everyone going to wait until Netflix? I'm torn because on the one hand, I want to see it on the big screen and I didn't realize that the gap between the theatrical release and Netflix premiere was damn near a month, on the other hand... 210 mother fucking minutes!

    I can't wait to see this... But Netflix. One month isn't too long. Also a big screen isn't much of a selling point for a historical gangster movie.  Plus no one else in my family wants to see it. Wife has no interest, kids are too young.


    So I guess I can wait to see it. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Lol nobody is pissing me off... just the level of astrophysics going on about Star Wars is literally making me dizzy. This series has always been fantasy, not science fiction and I could easily counter you guys points about Planets constantly moving vs ships by saying that planets tend to have predictable orbits and that can be factored in to any calculations that warp drive computers make before a jump. Ships dont. Not to mention the fact that they are MUCH smaller than any interplanetary body.  So to hit a ship from across a star system with a hyperspeed Kamikaze attack would be like a sniper trying to hit a bullet fired from someone else gun from miles away. But even the effort put into typing that just made me dizzy so...

    I would counter that with their computers have to be a lot more advanced than ours so, except for some reason much of their interface seems to be stuck in the late 70's.  :)

  7. Again my only problem with the scene is that it introduces that ability into the Star Wars universe.  So from now on it is a viable resolution or option which can make things tricky going forward.


    Its like when Superman flew around the world to turn back time... from that point on it is valid to ask every time something bad happens... why doesn't Superman just reverse time to fix it.

  8. 42 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Yep. Was going to respond to @number305 but realized he's making all kinds of assumptions about Star Wars based on the films that I've never seen and I'm a deep Star Wars fan. Droids can do everything else? Since when? Your point that it doesn't even matter I wish was more well taken.


    The First Order all the time wants to destroy entire planets and galaxies? No they don't. They like doing shows of force. They are arrogant and overconfident. Their super weapons are meant to subdue the masses and invoke fear, not to actually be used for fun. This is a war, not wanton destruction and genocide. The First Order is an organization, it wants to rule all people, not kill them all.


    I feel the narrative forest has been lost for the technical trees and I don't see why. Other movies have gotten far bigger passes than TLJ but people can't seem to let otherwise beautifully done scenes go based on "fill in the gap" presumptions I've never seen like "droids can do everything else" and "the First Order's goal is to wipe out everyone, so why don't they always do Holdo's maneavur?" I mean . . . when were either of those things established as some sort of consistent thing that's done? At best Star Wars is inconsistent with droids and at best the First Order is a Nazi-like group, not a genocidal war machine trying to snuff out all life in the galaxy (if they were, then I'd agree with you).


    I saw Holdo's maneauver as a beautiful sacrifice, not only gorgeous to look at and fist pump at, but it was something completely new we'd never seen in a Star Wars flm. Yeah, I'll take that. I'm not surprised so many are excited for JJ's fan service fest. It's basically what many wanted with TLJ.

    I guess I'm a little dumbfounded.  I didn't think I was saying anything out of order.


    Droids are shown to be pretty high level in Star wars.  They even show emotion and are self aware.


    The first order/Empire spent 40 years creating 3 separate devices with the express intent of destroying worlds.  Alderan was destroyed by the Empire purely as a demonstration and a test of the first death star (they were unaware there was a rebel base on the planet).  This shows they were not very picky at all about using their destructive power or killing millions of innocent people on a whim.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

    Holdo does a "nuclear option" to save the Resistance, which is literally about to be wiped out.


    Some people are then incredulous why in Star Wars people don't just immediately go to the "nuclear option" to fight battles, despite the fact that Holdo probably killed numerous low level members of the First Order when she did that move which is probably against the conventional rules of warfare, but it was their very last option.


    Like, should we simply nuke every country we are at war with? Would end the war easier! Oh, wait, collateral damage, even amongst their military? Ah, I see, it's because we're humane.


    A droid doing it is stupid too. A droid didn't do it because it needed a human. Otherwise a droid would have done it. Unless you show me exactly the same tactic done elsewhere in Star Wars, done by a droid, then why are we otherwise presuming a droid *could* do it? I'm assuming a droid couldn't, which is why it required a human. Like anyone here knows what went into calculating and pulling off Holdo's maneauver. None of us know - it was probably unique enough it required a person.


    Boom, done. Holdo was the only woman for the job, that's why she did it. Not hard to comprehend.

    Silly on 2 counts.  


    1.  The empire/First order is constantly creating ways of destroying worlds already.  Why would they not warp ships into planets/other ships if they could do that much cheaper than creating death stars.


    2.  Droids can do literally every thing else.  What is magic about pushing buttons and pulling levers to jump to light speed that c3po could not do it?  Its also cannon that humans with close to zero training can quickly be brought up to speed on how to fly any vessel.

  10. 2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    Logically this doesn't make sense... ships are moving objects not stationary. Trying to warp into a ship cruising through space at any speed would be like trying to shoot a comet with another comet. Plus these things cost money. In modern warfare there has only been ONE army that employed Kamikaze tactics with on a regular scale and it didn't work out too well for them. The tactic was used as a last resort... not something that should be used over and over again. Why folks are harping on this is beyond me. It's not a tactic that should be employed regularly.

    Logically every object in space is moving so to go from point A to point B they are navigating from, to, and around an astounding number of moving objects.  This is even stated as the reason that they can't go through an asteroid field (because it just adds too many variables to keep up with).


    Also - what is different about this than WW2 Kamikaze pilots is it's effectiveness.  1 Kamikaze would not take out a battle ship.  What has been shown in star wars (and makes sense with physics) is that if you have a solid object going faster than the speed of light any impact is going to have catastrophic consequences.  Therefore you would be able to have very small ships taking out very large ships... or even planets.

  11. Without getting into any of the political talk - I didn't like the way the jumping to lightspeed was used in TLJ to destroy the First Order ship.  The problem that creates is... there is really no reason someone would have to start close by to do that.  I mean they have shown in the movies that they have to calculate their entire route before they make the jump.  So with this new way of destroying ships basically both sides can destroy any ships from anywhere in the galaxy by sending smaller light speed ships to crash through them.  There would be no time to react - just boom you blew up.  And honestly this would be more of an advantage for the first order.  They can make their stormtroopers into kamikaze pilots and they have tons more ships.  Any time they find a rebel fleet or planet just send a bunch of small light speed objects crashing into them.  Not much a lightsaber can do against that.

  12. 9 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    totally see it as the same thing... as I wrote before, there was a time where Marty, Francis and the other filmmakers of the 70's were seen as making "low brow" entertainment and were dismissed too. Marty especially. That's what Gunn is talking about... how the previous generation tends to shit on the generation following it especially when that generation is achieving success the previous one could only dream of. It's resentment and its very petty but with the egos involved, these guys just can't help themselves. Especially when it gets harder for them to make the films they want because of the shift in focus from by the studios and audiences. 

    I'm not arguing. They all were not universally appreciated in their time. Just for very different reasons. I think the reason marvel is getting greif is because they are aimed at younger audiences and can be mindless at times. Those were never labels held against mafia movies. So the reasons are different... That's all I meant. 


    I happen to like all three types. My favorite movie is Outlaw Josie Wales, I love all the marvel movies (mostly) and I can't wait for the Irishman (just finished the book it's based on - highly recommended) 

  13. 2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    James Gunn's response is PERFECT   (not just because it reflects my own view ;))



    The gangster movie thing is the PERFECT dig at both Marty and Francis without being disrespectful :p

    I dunno.  I don't see these as the same thing but I see what Gunn was going for.


    I just see no reason for anyone to be tearing anything down.  These can all exist and be enjoyed.  

  14. 12 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    I buy both digital and physical media... it really depends on the deals being offered. Best Buy and Amazon routinely offer day one deals on physical copies of games but not the digital version so I'll go with those when the deals are there. It's really a practical matter and nothing to do with being a "hipster". I'm far from being a hipster and despise them with the intensity of a million supernovas.

    Preeety sure I have seen you with a typewriter at the coffee shop.


    I was mildly trolling... I thought obviously.  But oh well. 

  15. 16 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I really think you're exaggerating a tad and that's why people are poking at you. It's a little much. 

    Oh yea.  I'm exaggerating a ton.  (I'm the one doing the poking)  I don't buy physical games... but I really don't care what others do.

  16. 15 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


    Not sure how Apple and iPhones are relevant?


    There will be a disc slot for the reasons I stated. Even in a world where music streaming is bigger than game streaming, the ability to purchase digital and physical music remains. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

    Cool.  I wasn't sure how LP's were relevant.  You brought them up.


    My point which I thought was obvious when I brought up the Iphone is that yes records have made a resurgence - but they are not supported on the devices that 99% of people list to their music on.  So - I don't see any reason for MS and Sony to be beholden to old technology for the sake of hipsters who want to use it.  Look at sales numbers for modern games - the scales have tipped.  People are buying more often digitally than physically.  This is a one way road - there isn't going to be a future where we go back.  Subscription services are also going to be a major thing.  Hardly anyone purchases music anymore - they just pay for a streaming service and listen to what they want.  That is coming for video games.  It has not been all figured out yet, and there will probably be a few ugly years before we totally get there - but it is coming.  


    But again I don't know why you are so worked up.  This has literally already been announced.  There will be a physical drive.  You can use yours.  Mine will sit dormant and unused.  I'm a little unhappy that I have to pay the extra $7 for the hardware and deal with the increased size of the console and noise to have it present, but I'll cope somehow.

  17. 1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

    Music is streamed significantly more than people purchase music yet vinyl made a comeback and new artists put stuff out on it. Limited Run Games takes digital-only titles, puts them on a disc, and they routinely sell out.


    It's been proven that plenty of people like to own shit no matter how "advanced" we get technologically, and it makes sense to have the option there. If you want to talk two years from now, we'll still be buying games despite inroads with streaming services if music/movies are any indication. 

    So obviously Apple puts a record player on the side of the iphone so you can play all your vinyl right?


    lol.  This isn't even an argument.  There will be a disc slot in the ps5.  You are free to be the weirdo at the gamestop at midnight to buy your discs. 

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