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Posts posted by number305

  1. 12 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    I’m dumb.  What is that?

    Its where you can plug another source into the xbox.  So like you can plug your HDMI from your cable box into the xbox - then the xbox into your tv.  Then you can either watch TV or play games from the same input on your TV.

  2. It's kind of odd how much arguing there is over what games will play on what system... when this is exactly what MS is going away from.  MS is moving toward a subscription based future like netflix.  The view for the future is that it won't matter what device you have - any xbox, phone, pc - you can play the games you have access to either by subscription or purchase.


    I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of years from now when newer games can not be handled by an X1 any longer if they just release an Xcloud client for that box so people can just keep gaming on it.

  3. 22 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    One thing I've learned about this board in particular is that it doesn't do subtext... It's been proven to me time and time again. It's kinda pointless to even discuss it here. This wasn't even THAT deep and


    over your head cosplay GIF by Comic-Con HQ


    I've used the term "Cinematically illiterate" before... I wasn't joking.

    Yea you guys should take a few more pats on the back.  Way too brilliant for us regular folks.  It's too bad you use your great powers on kids shows on disney +.


    You might want to look into the reason that you missed that my comment was a joke while you are at it.  Maybe that whooshed by your head.

  4. 14 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    While I don’t think the episode sold it well enough, my read was this: The helmet off scene is showing Mando’s internal desire for something besides the way, the later scene with the widow and his reaction to her suggestion is surprise that his desire could be reality.

    I thought his helmet off scene was because he was hungry. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    Maybe it’s the nature of a 3.5hr Netflix movie, but I really felt like the film could lose a huge amount of screen time and probably be better for it. I really enjoyed the perspective of an older mobster looking back on things, but so much of the rest of it felt superfluous, and (ironically for such a long movie) kinda rushed through.


    I knew about it going in, but it’s so odd that this movie has title cards for “I HEARD YOU PAINT HOUSES” when that’s not the title.


    It’s a movie that I would like to revisit, but I don’t know when I’ll make time to anytime soon.

    For me the time went quickly.  I recently read the book (which is titled I heard you paint houses) and the movie looses so much from the book - I would not have wanted them to cut any more.


    I think the standout performance is from Joe Pesci... but that may be colored by just missing him in movies for so long.  


    It is a little odd when these guys are computer generated as young people.  Even with their wrinkles gone... their mouths are a little too tight and their walks are still old people walks.  You kinda just have to suspend disbelief and go with it.


    Overall I loved it.  I think it will be the last of the era of great mobster movies.

  6. 8 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    The best episode so far.

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    How does this fit in with the new lore?

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    I'm not the biggest expert in star wars lore... But Jango was a human not a mandalorian. So that may explain him not following the rules. 

  7. The most funny thing about this (to those who understand how humor works) is that this is a story at all.  It would be a huge outrage if this movie was actually made this way, or even if they started to announce she was hired for this.  But honestly if we are going to have breaking news stories for every time someone has a bad idea in meeting then we are going to need a bigger message board.

  8. 1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

    No one is going to be gleaning some new and incite full info from watching some racist ass shit with a cat singing" Shanghai, Hong Kong, Egg foo young
    Fortune Cookie always wong !!"

    I am by no means arguing for to be erased but I will argue there is nothing of value by watching it.

    You can argue that out of ignorance, but you would be wrong. 


    People are influenced by media. This stuff should be studied and understood by smart people in the attempt to prevent similar mistakes in the future. Much of the disney and wb racist material is in line with nazi propaganda of the same time. 


    The very fact that it came across as silly on the screen is a big part of the reason that no one stood up against it at the time. 

  9. 30 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    That's what history books are for. Not being able to see old racist cartoons is not preventing us from "learning where we came from."

    I think being able to see the entertainment of past era's can absolutely add some details to how people thought and acted during those times. I'm not sure a textbook would be a good replica of that. I would take it a little farther than warning text in some cases. I think short documentaries attached to the content explaining it would be beneficial in certain cases. Some times things have changed enough that modern people might not understand some of what was hurtful or being mocked. 


    Disney + is probably not the best place for all of this... But there maybe should be a .edu streaming site that could contain the removed content. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, Dodger said:

    According to a resetera admin we're getting a new IP from Obsidian and Rare, a shadow drop, and more. 

    I would think Battletoads would be a shadow drop candidate.  That game seems to have been in development forever and some people are excited for it - but it will never really be a system seller or something to build hype for.  That would be a good choice for a 'you can play today' game.

  11. 2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    I downloaded and launched the app last night and it played fine on my TV. I watched half of the Mandalorian before falling asleep. Got up this morning and launch the app to finish the episode and at first it didn't boot up. I quit the app and relaunched and it played fine and I finished the episode. I'm watching on my TV,  what devices are you guys watching on? I would imagine they're getting slammed with everyone downloading and launching at once on multiple devices.



    Mandalorian is weekly. I don't know the answers to the other questions.

    I hope to watch the Mandalorian tonight.  What did you think?

  12. On 10/28/2019 at 12:11 PM, DPCyric said:


    I'm looking for something I can do in my spare time at work and maybe an hour worth of time after work...

    Seriously not trying to be rude - but with something with that little effort being put into it do you really expect to create content that is valuable enough to bring in money?


    The people who make money online putting out content may make it look easy, but most of them are dedicating a large amount of time and effort.

  13. 2 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    It will include all HBO and Cinemax content, plus a catalog of Warner Media shows and movies as well as HBO Max specific content.



    HBO Max is free for:

    -AT&T Wireless subscribers who already subscribe to HBO through AT&T services (AT&T TV or U-Verse). For one year.

    -Free upgrade for HBO Now subscribers, if you bill directly through HBO. If you bought it through Amazon or Apple, no dice.

    -Also, subscribers of premium AT&T mobile and broadband services will be eligible for HBO Max bundles at no extra charge. (whatever that means)


    If you get HBO through a cable provider, you're invited to stay tuned, as AT&T is hoping to strike deals with cable providers, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.


    The initial posters only say "HBO" and not "HBO Max", but it was unveiled at the HBO Max event, so who knows. 

    That is a lot of information... but it clears up nothing :)  


    Not your fault.  AT&T is making it's typical mess.  They already had a paid subscription service.  If they wanted to charge more -then just do that.  Having multiple paid subscription services that have different offerings is dumb.  

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