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Posts posted by number305

  1. 25 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    There's a lot of fun mythology to be had in both Beowulf and The Green Knight, in my opinion, but I do agree about how they come off rote, etc. However, I appreciate it on the level of innovation, as you could make this argument for lots of things, from The Godfather to Citizen Kane to Gone with the Wind. It's all done well, even if it's all obvious. Again, one appreciates it on the level of innovation within its context more than thinking it's some new ground-breaking work.


    The stories are so ubiquitous that's why I'm surprised people aren't familiar with The Green Knight story. It's a pretty famous one among the Arthurian legends and tales. 

    My guess is the average person could not tell you any more about Arthurian legends than what has been displayed in popular movies over the past 5 years.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bloodporne said:

    I tend to never buy into the next gen until there's a decent software library I'm interested in which always takes about two years or more. I'll see you guys then.*


    *Or I get insanely jealous, want to hype with the rest of the board and spend money I don't have.

    I would be surprised if either system has any games that can only be played on the next gen for a while.  I know Sony has indicated that they will - but there is a huge PS4 install base.  It would be a risk to spend big money on a AAA game and not take advantage of the number of buyers from the PS4 gen.

  3. 3 hours ago, Reputator said:

    Well now we don't have to read it. We can just watch the movie adaptation! I do most of my reading that way! :D

    I know you are joking...


    But if your only interaction with Beowulf is that 2007 cartoon Angelina Jolie thing -  then you don't really know the story of Beowulf.  That thing was bastardized like hell.  Same for the Hobbit.  LOTR was done pretty well and pretty faithfully told the story, but even with three movies they cut significant portions.


    Generally its best to just enjoy movies and books as their own separate things.  

  4. 1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

    My post has literally nothing to do with when the decision was made. The only thing I said was that having Hop back in season 4 undermines the letter scene. They could have planned that back when they started putting together the overall arc of the series and it still undermines the letter scene. You are right that they are the same thing, we don’t disagree so I’m not sure why you are making this point :p 

    Because communication is hard.  I see what you mean.  I wasn't getting your point.


    I do think having him back will be important to the story they want to tell - but I agree that they sold it too hard that he was dead.  Very Chewie like.

  5. 9 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    The decision itself to have Hop back for season 4 is the issue, not how they foreshadowed it. 

    Okay I guess.


    I am struggling to see much of a difference.  Foreshadowing that your biggest star is still alive and having him present in the next season are kind of the same thing.  Seems to me that decision was made when the epilogue aired.  

  6. 7 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    The letter scene is one of the most beautiful moments in the entire series and the way it is used in season three is completely undermined by Hop being right back in season 4.

    They already said he was alive in season 3.  When the Russian guards are picking out who they were going to sacrifice to the monster they stop at a cell door and one of the guards says 'no not the american'.  This can be no one but Hopper.


    I can understand not liking it.  It is kinda like 'hey chewie is dead wink wink'.  But if you watched through the epilogue you had to already know this.

  7. 14 hours ago, vaxick said:

    The PS4 was the first console they didn't take a loss on per console sold.  The profit they made per console sold was pretty minimal though.  

    The profit they made in the first year was minimal - it has shot up since as components got cheaper.  


    However taking minimal gains on hardware sales is giant leaps better for Sony than taking losses.  Last year video games made up 27% of Sony's revenue.  I don't think they financially can afford to sell Playstation 5 for a loss.


    Microsoft may have more wiggle room on price just because they are not as dependent on video games for revenue.  But in the end I would expect both systems to be within $50 of 500 one way or another.

  8. 5 hours ago, heydude93 said:

    What would the gameplay potential of playing as gollum even be?

    I would imagine it would play as a stealth game.  Gollum before he lost the ring was pretty deadly.  Most of what is seen of him in the movies is long after he lost the ring and he had been tortured... and he was ancient.  So he was not in top form.  While he was living under the mountain he was strong and deadly and invisible with the ring.  For a game it would be easy to limit the use of the ring because before long you would be 'seen' by Sauron who would send wraiths after you. 


    They would need to come up with something for him to do however.  Killing goblins out of boredom or just to eat, would not make much of an exciting game.

  9. 2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


    Well, it wasn't a straight decline; TLJ outgrossed Rogue One, and TRoS outgrossed Solo. I put them in order of gross, not release.


    All the first movies in the trilogies were event movies (Star Wars being the first, TPM for being the first SW film in 16 years, TFA for being the first SW film in 10 years and having the original cast in it). The second movies never grossed as much as the first, but RO and TLJ still made bank, with TLJ being the number one movie on home video when it released.


    Solo was an offshoot no one asked for, and TRoS's negative critical reception clearly has affected it. IMO make a quality Star Wars movie, and it'll be huge. Marvel has shown that "fatigue" never set if theater goers liked the movies.

    It's a steady decline if you just look at the main numbered entries.  The stand alones are kind of their own thing.  

    I'm sure there are other factors involved.  Some people liked some of them better than others and all that.  But it does show a slow decline.


    Marvel really seems to be it's own thing (as is star wars...).  I really think it will be interesting to see how the next phase or two manage to do now that many of the major players are finished.  They will get to incorporate F4 and Xmen... so there are still lots of area's to explore.  But it can't be the most popular thing in the world forever... right?

  10. 2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

    We're waiting on Thursday's numbers, but day-to-date, here is where each movie stood as of Day 34 in theaters.

    • The Force Awakens - $863,148,249
    • The Last Jedi - $596,867,242
    • Rogue One - $504,221,149
    • The Rise of Skywalker - $495,816,498
    • Solo - $204,414,703


    Over $100 million separates TLJ from TRoS. Around $10 million separates Rogue One from TRoS. TFA was really the event of the decade in North America.

    Really the only thing I see in those numbers is the slow decline in excitement for new star wars movies.  I think if they took a decade off (which won't happen again for a long time) you would see another large jump in excitement again.

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