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Posts posted by number305

  1. 1 minute ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    I used one of these, you don't have one?


    I just used my eyes... and saw that since 2005 the xbox controller design has remained mostly static - and that the PS controller design has started to look more and more like the xbox version with every revision.  I don't know why they haven't moved the sticks yet.  The xbox has the left stick in the primary position for use.  I totally get why the first Playstation didn't do that - because the D-pad got more use at the time, but as modern gaming has evolved most games don't use the D-pad at all, or only use it for inventory purposes.  It is best pushed down for occasional access.  It has nothing to do with symmetry.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    I am sure there are lots of people who agree with me, and lots that don't.  There is a lot of personal preference. 

    However, for me, when holding in a natural grip:

    1) My thumbs land about 2/3 on the thumbsticks on DS4, land in-between sticks and buttons/d-pad on XB1

    2)  My wrists are pointing upward on DS4 (in a natural resting position), my wrists are angled about 10 degrees outward on XB1

    3)  DS4 is noticeably lighter

    4)  DS4 is noticeably wider

    5)  The two sides of my body are symmetrical, so I prefer symmetrical sticks

    Since no two bodies are alike, my experience may be different than others.  For ergonomics, I would give the PS4 a 9.0, and the base XB1 controller an 8.5 -- so the difference is really minimal.


    How is Sony making the ergonomics of a DualSense closer to an XB1 controller (other than being heavier/bulkier to accommodate the haptics)?

    I have no interest in arguing with someone who measures their wrist angles.  You are right.  I'm wrong.  I'm slowly backing away.  Good day sir.

  3. 10 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    I'm really not a fan of the Storm Trooper coloring, I find that white controllers look "dingy" very quickly.

    IMHO, Sony does have a record of making the best "feeling" base controllers -- I have no doubt that record will continue with this one.

    I don't think your opinion on this is very common - even with sony since they are moving the overall form factor to pretty much match the xbox controllers.  Which really makes sense.  Xbox has had the best controller shape for a while now.  If someone has something that works - the others should copy it.

  4. 9 hours ago, heydude93 said:



    - Ninja Gaiden 1-3, but not sure the best way to go about it.  Xbox versions? Sigma versions? The gameplay in Black is arguably the best of all three NG1's, the 360 version of NG2 has all the uncensored gore that never should've been removed, but some of the weapons, characters and enhancements from the Sigma versions are legit too. For the sake of forward compatibility hopefully Team Ninja might consider making definitive versions of each game that merge all the best stuff across all editions into them if they do a remaster collection)


    I have been replaying NG2 recently on the 1X.  Honestly the graphics aren't bad. However it definitely needs a modern camera. This game is really difficult, but fighting the camera is half the battle. So I would love to see that updated. 

  5. 3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    It’s tracking was really bad from what I recall. Probably not worth throwing up a PVOD, while a potential big splash on D+ could save the IP as potential series. 

    I think the studios are gonna dump more of this marginal product onto their streaming services while holding back their more surefire hits for when theaters are back in force.

    I wonder how long they will hold out for. If we aren't going to theaters by the end of the year will the movies that were moved to that time frame be moved again? At some point investors will want some return on their money, even if they take a loss, a little bit is better than nada

  6. 1 hour ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    Microsoft ain’t delaying. They are all in on digital (game pass) and backwards compatibility. This could be a great opportunity for Microsoft 

    I think it is still a little early to say anything definite.  You should listen to the IGN interview with Phil Spencer from a couple days ago(I would normally not recommend much on that site - but that interview was really good).  


    Microsoft currently does not have plans to delay.  However we are not out of the woods yet.  The hardware is finished for the Series X - but it still needs to be manufactured on a large scale.  It looks like that is possible in China in a few months, but realistically we need to probably just wait and see if there is another Covid wave to come.  Also he mentions that 'so far' they are on schedule developing the software (OS) for the system but that everyone working from home has created a strain.  That could conceivably slow things down too.  If the PS5 gets delayed that would take the pressure off MS and they may choose to delay rather than push too.


    The end of the year is a big unknown for everyone at this point.

  7. I don't believe any of this.  


    That being said it is entirely possible to screw up a console launch.  We have seen it happen a lot.  A lot of people assume that because PS has such a huge lead that they will lead in the future - but things don't always work out like that.  


    Hopefully both launches go great and people have tons of great choices this Christmas.

  8. 7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    I know. I was just telling number it is like the previous ghost album so his disappointment stems from not knowing what the other albums were like :p

    Yeah I haven't heard the other ghost albums. It's not like these are bad... They just only really have appeal to me as background noise. Like if I want something on while I need to concentrate. 


    In my mind NIN is downward spiral. That is what I was hoping for when I hit play. But he can make whatever he wants. I prefer people who experiment and grow, but I don't have to like everything they make. 

  9. 3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Is it? I just discovered them and I don't know if they're shit or not :p



    10. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

    9. Batman: The Telltale Series

    8. Control

    7. Resident Evil remake

    6. Wolfenstein 2: The New Collossus

    5. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

    4. Bayonetta

    3. Max Payne 2

    2. Death Stranding

    1. Metroid Samus Returns


    I'm honestly surprised to see Death Stranding on there.  I haven't followed it much really - I don't have a PS4 - but from all the media push on it when it was released I always assumed it was a pretty big hit.

  10. 1 hour ago, nublood said:


    I'd have to agree. The CDC reported over 140,000 flu cases this year and over 8,200 deaths.....this year...in the U.S. Keep in mind that report was from January so it's likely much higher now. And the flu is actually on the rise this year over last year. But by all means let's keep locking everything down over the real problem.

    For the elderly (people over 80) COVID-19 has a mortality rate of 21.9%.  That is 1 in 5.  The only way to keep them safe is for the general population to keep this virus in check as much as possible.  To continue as normal would be a death sentence for large numbers of our elderly population.

  11. I think this would be better if it was reversed.  I would rather play a 2k sim and an EA arcade NFL game.  Madden has never been the best, and 2K is sketchy at best so far with arcade style sports.

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