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Posts posted by number305

  1. 16 hours ago, Brick said:


    Seriously what's with all these headlines pointing out that he directed Batman movies? I guess because people see Batman in a headline and it catches their eye. He directed more than two bad Batman movies! I remember seeing trailers for Phone Booth and thinking, "that looks stupid", but then it was on TV one night and I decided to watch it, and it was actually pretty good. 

    Agree.  The two batman movies in my opinion are some of his worst work.  I really enjoy some of the other movies on the list. 

  2. 7 hours ago, SoberChef said:

    I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 

    I feel the same, but I realize that literally millions of people love it, so it's just something that I don't understand. It's okay for people to like stuff that I don't. Fortunately no one is forcing me to watch. 

  3. 1 hour ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    That is incorrect.  More work is done to bring a game to a PC -- however, given the size of the PC market, I can't imagine an Xbox game not being worth putting in the effort.


    If you have a capable enough gaming machine, the only reasons I can think of getting an Xbox is the inconsistent implementation of HDR on PC games, to get access to a larger library in GamePass and to take advantage of Xbox backwards compatibility.

    I have a pretty decent gaming PC and also a One X.  The reason for me is because I have kids.  It is pretty nice to share a library and have multiple locations to play games.  We can even play together on many games.  Having a console as a second machine to play xbox games is much cheaper than a 2nd PC and also more kid friendly.  

  4. 15 minutes ago, Jason said:


    Are they planning on everything on Xbox also being available on PC (possibly requiring Game Pass) or will there still be stuff that's only available on Xbox? 

    I think the plan is for the majority of 1st party games to be on pc. 2nd and 3rd party have no expectations. 

  5. My memory of that game is trying really hard to like it because it had such a cool premise, and it was one of the only really dark n64 games. I couldn't however find my way through the mazes where all the walls floors are ceilings were the same blurry muddy textures. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Zaku3 said:

    It'a hard to be a sim about space combat. You can only work off of what we see in the movies. Based on that they are as sim as they can reasonably be.

    Yes. Sim for the fantasy created in the movies. True space fighting Sim would be pretty boring. You can't actually have dogfighting aircraft in space. With no atmosphere there is no way for ships to maneuver in that way. 

  7. On 6/8/2020 at 10:46 AM, eggydoo said:

      I seem to have the worst RNG, cause both my kids have had epic? gear drop multiple times for them and I have seen none.


    I have been wondering if they somehow tied loot drops in multi-player to skill level. I have been playing a bunch with my two kids and the one that struggles has always got the best gear. My son that is a little more skilled is actually starting to get irritated at the game because his brother is constantly gloating that he has better stuff. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


    Well thats kinda what i was thinking. Imagine if there was a Switch-like device, could dock to a tv or do handheld, that would stream Xcloud specifically, and cost less than a hundred bucks (supplemented of course by a XBL Ultimate sub.)


    I'd buy one.

    MS and Nintendo have shown friendly tendencies in the past.  How about the next version of the Switch be compatible with Xcloud.  Nintendo gets to sell more switches, MS gets to collect more monthly fees - profit all around.

  9. 1 hour ago, chakoo said:

    Same reason someone would buy it in the first place. For the novelty of it all. Nobody needs the device to play GG games but that won't stop someone from buying it as a silly desk toy. There are some people on other forums that are interested in buying one to have (hell I am). To them, hacking it to swap the games to something that is of more interest to them is not a crazy idea.


    As for someone wasting the time to figure out how to hack it, that is never an issue of purpose other then because they can. 


    I personally might hack one just to simply swap the games for their english counterpart (ie the shining forces unit). 

    Yea I get the collectible side.  Just not very functional for actually playing games.

  10. I'm going to preface this by saying I'm an Xbox guy.  I think if you don't have gamepass you are missing out big time and I am looking forward to the series X.  


    That being said  I have very much disliked the last several Gears games (including the xcom one) and the most recent Halo.  I am hoping they can turn those series back around to being something good... 

  11. 55 minutes ago, chakoo said:

    Oh interesting tidbits I read yesterday that explains a lot. It seem this device is coming out from the Sega Toys group which makes a lot more sense. As well there was an interview with the team and the original intent was to release them with only 1 game on it and release a bunch for you to collect (Again makes sense coming from ST but would have been an awful call without the price being vastly cheaper). This does make me think that there is a good chance more collections will come out in japan with other games on them. I really hope they do a disney one with the mickey & donald games on them. I really don't see these ever leaving japan. So if anybody has any interest they should possibly buy 1 and wait for when they're hacked to add more games. 

    Why would someone hack these?  I can't think of a scenario where you would actually want to spend more than a novelty few minutes messing with this device.  They are fine as a collectible - but I'm guessing whatever you are currently reading these words on right now can emulate all game gear games just fine - and has a much larger screen - and can interface with better controls.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    You honestly made the movie somehow sound even better for me than it actually was. To be fair, the opening prog rock album stuff was so good for me.

    I don't think I have seen this since it was in the theater... mostly because it didn't really click with me.  I didn't really like the interactions with his earth dad and honestly that kind of soured the whole movie for me because it messes with all his motivations.  If I remember right Costner was telling him that he didn't owe earth anything and he needed to hide his powers to protect himself - up to and including letting the dad get killed by a tornado that felt useless to me.  In the 70's movie Superman is instilled with a sense of right and wrong from his earth dad, and then the dad dies of a heart attack which Superman is helpless to do anything about.  I think that was a much better way of handling that part of the story.


    All that being said - I'm okay with not every movie being my favorite.  If other people like it then that is fine.  Its okay to have different interpretations.  The 70's superman is still on my shelf for me to watch.  Plus it sounds like Cavil wants to have any future appearances more closely resemble the Superman of old, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they do.

  13. I know many here don't care a ton about sports games - but the most significant backwards compatible title that MS could announce would be NCAA 14.  I know that EA is getting closer to coming to agreements with the NCAA on licensing issues.  If the two companies could get together and make that old game compatible this fall while EA works on a new game that would create a ton of press and purchases.  

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