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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Exactly the same in Idaho (which is basically Utah Lite ).
  2. I know the classics from them (Firestarter, Smack My Bitch Up) but that's about it, unfortunately. I will remedy this in the coming days (hooray Spotify)!
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-47442312 I didn't know a ton of their music but I know he was an icon of the industry. RIP
  4. I've been putting a fair amount of time into Smash Bros Ultimate. My main is either Fox or Marth.
  5. 9 inches of caulk?! Nice work Triage, it really looks professional. Sorry to hear that you're sad about leaving. Where are you landing now?
  6. Halloween is only 242 days away!
  7. I already bought the movie on Blu-ray but haven't watched it yet. I'm generally a fan of pretty much everyone involved but yeah the reviews aren't too great.
  8. Yeah those criticisms I can understand. For all its good qualities, it doesn't necessarily take any risks or say much that is new. Even without having seen all of the other nominees for Best Picture, I'm guessing at least one of them was more deserving than Green Book in that regard.
  9. I read the article now, thanks. It does seem to summarize the criticisms that I'd heard against the movie, but I still largely disagree. They seem to think that the movie is implying things that it shouldn't (e.g. that racism is "solved" by individuals) while also not implying enough about some things (e.g. that systemic racism is still a problem regardless of one person's personal growth). I just disagree that it's doing these things I guess. To the first ("proclaiming all racism is solved through individuals"), I never got the sense that they were trying to say that racism will be solved because of individuals. That seems like an extrapolation that the author is making. To me they're simply telling a (mostly true) story about two individuals. To the second ("not expounding on the evils of systemic racism"), I can understand what he's saying, but his arguments sound to me like someone who just didn't get the movie they wanted and is then criticizing the movie for not meeting their expectations. He's free to do that obviously, but I enjoyed the film a lot for what it was, which in my view was an uplifting buddy comedy that provided a small window into the lives of two men in the 1960s. The author of that piece seems to think the movie should have handled heavier issues like systemic racism, but personally I don't think that it's the job of every single movie to shock me into action about social issues. I see and love movies that make me think about social issues too, but I honestly wouldn't want all movies to do this. I just enjoyed this movie for what it was.
  10. As @sblfilms said, they do show that he was gay or at least that he had bisexual tendencies. I guess I can kind of see where someone might say that they downplayed this aspect of him a bit, but honestly, I don't really understand that criticism either. I didn't think the point of the story was really about him being gay, so I'm OK with it if they don't want to explore this aspect of him. Does it maybe make the film a bit less historically accurate? Sure. But I don't think that that detracts from the message of the film.
  11. I don't quite understand all of the criticisms against Green Book. I never had the impression that they were claiming that racism was solved afterwards, or that Tony was the big hero, or whatever. In fact, it's quite explicitly stated in the movie (and also in the trailer) that "it takes courage to change people's heart". Dr. Shirley goes around trying to change people's attitudes, and by the end we concretely see that he was very successful in this regard with Tony, and indeed throughout the movie with various people. To me the movie is saying simply that Dr. Shirley was very courageous and it's because of his actions that there is a little less prejudice in the world. Can anyone explain where this criticism is coming from? That Twitter post above showing all of the white men involved I can certainly understand, but some other points, I'm really not getting.
  12. There are a few of us around still! Good to see you again Sieb!
  13. Siebzehn! Hooraaaay! Welcome back, buddy!
  14. I also have never been one for naps. A friend of mine has been taking naps his whole life and is now struggling mightily with having to stop doing this so as to survive a normal 9-5 workday.
  15. Hey everybody, ready for some nightmares?
  16. I'd never even heard of green goddess dressing until maybe a month ago and suddenly it's everywhere. WTF, @Chris-, get out of my head! Since there sadly isn't a Trader Joe's in Germany, I'll have to take your word for it. But someday, victory will be mine.
  17. If only the people who refused to get vaccinated got measles, etc. I would say "alright, cool, let Darwinism sort it out". If only...
  18. I've put about 10 hours into this game and I suck at it, but I really enjoy it. For whatever reason I'm not finding it as easy to get into as Advance Wars was, maybe just because it is a bit more complicated, but the gameplay is undeniably fun. I'm about 50% of the way through the campaign, according to online guides, and I plan on continuing.
  19. Given Trump's feelings towards Ivanka, it would seem that GRRM's been involved for a long time.
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