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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I had my date yesterday and it went well. We got coffee and then later an ice cream and sat in the sun and chatted for 2.5 hours. So my previous experience remains the crappiest one.
  2. I'm re-watching this and I have a question that hopefully someone can answer. After Life S1E4 spoiler
  3. My great aunt used to actually speak in a falsetto voice because she considered her voice to be too deep and not lady-like enough. Even as a kid I thought it was sad that she thought she had to change something like that about herself in order to be accepted.
  4. My experiences are pretty tame overall, but the one that immediately jumped to mind was: I spent an hour and a half or two hours having a nice conversation with this girl I met on Tinder and I was actually very excited to meet up with her again and see where things could go. It seemed we were compatible, she was smart, attractive, etc. When ending the date I asked her which direction she was heading and she told me more or less where she lived. It's normal here in Germany to have shared apartments (everyone has their own bedroom but you share a bathroom and kitchen) so I asked her if she lived in such an arrangement there. She said: "No, I live in an apartment with my boyfriend." Turns out she was just looking to get some action on the side. She said her boyfriend knew about it and was OK with it, but personally I was not. No doubt some here would call that lame that I didn't want to just have meaningless sex, but I was looking for more of a relationship and didn't want to share. So overall it was only a bad first date because it turned out to be more or less a disappointing waste of time, but if that's the worst that happens to me, I guess I'm in good shape. Funnily enough I have a first date with a girl tomorrow, but we're just getting coffee. I'll report back if it takes the cake.
  5. As a followup: Neil deGrasse Tyson will return to TV after sex misconduct probe Sounds like the investigation by Fox and National Geographic Channel didn't turn up anything substantial.
  6. For what it's worth and as a random aside, I love your posts about your flying experiences and aircraft knowledge. It's really fascinating stuff. Thank you!
  7. I got a summons once but since I'm living in Germany these days, I was not forced to go.
  8. Are you comparing her to her character in the comics? I've never read those so maybe that is an important difference? I was mostly thinking of how powerful she was compared to at the beginning of the film.
  9. Saw Captain Marvel tonight and really enjoyed it. At least after my initial viewing I can't think of anything to criticize, except for maybe the weird running, which only was noticeable to me because people here pointed it out. Solid action, Brie Larson was great, and you really have a sense of her power. 8/10
  10. I have diabetes just from looking at that. Do want!
  11. I get an error with this link. Can you host the picture somewhere else (e.g. Imgur, Photobucket, etc.)? I just looked at my pro controller and yeah the triggers do curve very slightly but they seem to be even. Just without seeing it, it kind of sounds like maybe you got a bad one.
  12. I just rewatched all of the trailers for Spider-Man: Homecoming and I have no idea what you're referencing. What do you mean?
  13. The mom of one of my friends got involved with her former husband's female cousin. They don't live in New York or Seattle but they seemed happy together.
  14. I think he's "commenting" (aka releasing diarrhea of the mouth) on the fact that airplanes are becoming more and more computerized. But obviously, except for some very catastrophic exceptions, this is making them safer.
  15. I finished The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins and loved it throughout. I really enjoy his writing, whether it's scientific or more polemic, and this book has seemingly held up very well over the last 40 years. Next I'm going to read The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon for my book club. It is a sort of alternate history novel in which Israel failed in 1948 and so many Jews settled in a specially-designated district in Sitka, Alaska. After 60 years the territory is going to revert back to Alaskan control so their fate is once again up in the air. I'd heard the book is sort of a murder mystery with some funny characters. I'm looking forward to it.
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