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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. @Emblazon Not sure if there's anything you can do about this, but when one embeds reddit posts on the Playstation theme, the text is pretty much impossible to read.
  2. https://www.sciencealert.com/a-new-male-birth-control-pill-has-been-found-to-be-safe-in-its-first-major-test It's still very much in the early stages but it's progress!
  3. I'm not answering the question because it's irrelevant to what I was saying. You seem to have overlooked where I said that I agree with you that it wasn't inciting violence. Or are you using the words "direct to commit" as a synonym for "incite"? Because I was not, and this might be the source of the misunderstanding. I was saying that the Bible very clearly does direct/command/prescribe people to commit violent acts, but I was agreeing with you that these commands do not meet the legal definition of incitement. Therefore, I was not saying that they incited violence. If you were using "direct to commit" as a synonym for "incite" then of course me taking issue with your word choice would suggest to you that I think that the Bible does incite violence. But I was not using them as synonyms: "incite" has a legal definition (which you provided) whereas we had not defined "direct to commit" that I had seen in the thread, so I thought you were using it in the sense of "direct/command/prescribe". Are we more or less on the same page now?
  4. I'm aware of what incitement means as well, as defined by your previous link. I would agree that by this definition, the Bible probably shouldn't be considered to be inciting violence because it most likely doesn't meet the requirement of imminence. I was more poking fun at you for your phrasing, saying that the Bible "doesn't direct its readers to commit violent acts", because it very clearly does. Repeatedly.
  5. Wat? Are you by chance restricting this discussion to a children's Bible?
  6. Are you meaning that you want to just change the graphics for upvotes and add a downvote? (Sorry, I'm not watching a 20 minute video. ) At least in the past we didn't want to have a downvote system because people would almost certainly abuse it. Personally I don't care, but if we wanted to start having downvotes, it seems to me that a guillotine would be better for keeping with our culture.
  7. I've never quite understood the desire for a leader to be a person I could get a beer with. I want someone who gets shit done and is ethical. Obviously they will need some social skills when working with other political figures, but their track record and intentions are far more important to me than their ability to shoot the shit with us peasants. Maybe someone to whom it is important could explain why this is a good criterion. @legend should just create an AI leader. I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.
  8. As a good friend is moving away on Wednesday, I'm thinking it's both sad and wonderful that things change.
  9. I'm not saying that it's impossible that it is racist, but at least the Wikipedia article about the term says the following: So, I dunno. As a speaker of German, the explanation that it has something more to do with the word Scheißer makes more sense to me, but who knows.
  10. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not sure that this would be a good strategy. Pointing out that he didn't get the wall built, for instance, would only lead Trump to point out that the Democrats have been the ones blocking his progress there. Does that really change anyone's mind?
  11. I'll be curious to know what you think of it. I started it and then accidentally left my copy in the US.
  12. The only place I have personally experienced anything resembling celebratory gunfire was not in #murica. It was in #Lebanon. So... good job Richmond.
  13. https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-dark-tower-is-finally-a-go-at-amazon-as-a-new-gunsl-1833467428?utm_medium=sharefromsite&utm_source=gizmodo_copy&utm_campaign=top They have cast Sam Strike, previously known for the TV show "Timeless", as Roland Deschain. He's not exactly what I pictured when I read the books, but I'm open to his interpretation. I'm just happy that it is being made. Hopefully it won't be a turd.
  14. Bummer about the $400, but that must have been a pleasant surprise.
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