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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. The stupid saga was completed tonight - she asked me yesterday evening whether I was having a good weekend and I hadn't responded yet, mostly because I was doing other shit. Apparently I was taking too long for her and she blocked me on WhatsApp and removed our match on Tinder. Our instincts were correct, @Jason
  2. For those who haven't heard of it before, here's a cheesy intro video : And here's the game's website: https://www.ingress.com/ Basically, it's an augmented reality GPS game for your phone. You walk around and seek out various landmarks (statues, buildings, signs, etc.) and capture them for your team. It's a pretty fun way to get to know your city a bit better, IMO. A friend of mine is really into it and I was enjoying it when I played with him, but I kind of forgot about it until recently. We're both on the Resistance. Does anyone here play?
  3. It's a bit disingenuous to simply say that it is not illegal on a closed private course, because it depends on the state, the property, etc. You can generally drive drunk on private property that is not accessible to the public (e.g. you can't drive drunk in parking lots of private businesses because they are accessible to the public), unless the state specifically prohibits any drunk driving, which some states do, in which case even on your own private property which is not accessible to the public, it's a no go. https://dui.drivinglaws.org/resources/is-drunk-driving-on-private-property-illegal.html
  4. Just as a heads up to anyone else who was looking forward to this as much as I was: Vulture did an interview with the "President of Entertainment Networks" for AMC, Sarah Barnett. That interview can be found here and contains a few interesting pieces of news about various AMC shows. The news about Better Call Saul is summed up in this article, but the gist of it is that they are delaying the next season until 2020 because Vince Gilligan is tied up with the Breaking Bad movie. It seems like a very reasonable thing to do, IMO; as much as I love binging on a season of BCS in the spring, I'd rather they delay it to ensure the standard level of quality. Also interesting is that they noted that this may be the last season of the show since Breaking Bad was also capped at five seasons and things are quickly catching up to where they were in that show.
  5. Lots of Mormons in your family? If so, I'd be curious to know what the people in your family think of it.
  6. No black clergy is becoming a problem? Have a revelation. Opposition to the LGBT position? Have a revelation.
  7. I was having major networking issues and I ended up reformatting in hopes of fixing it. I thought I had already done all that I could with drivers, but it turns out that there was a problem with the installation and as soon as I fixed that, no more networking issues. On the plus side, I have a brand new installation of Windows 10.
  8. As a non-follower of wrestling, that was a great segment.
  9. I liked that one time that he told @SaysWho? to go away. I like SaysWho?, but that made me laugh.
  10. I was eating a tuna pizza when I read this. Yeah she asked me if I could meet the next day (today) and I said I had other plans, which was true, and she hasn't written again since. I have no intention of meeting her any more; it's one thing to ask if we can delay it, but to just tell me that she's going for a bike ride instead... fuck you very much, too!
  11. It's no longer a first date experience but I just had a fun one. I was supposed to have lunch with the same girl from before and an hour before we were supposed to meet she says that she's going to go out for a long ride on her road bike because today the weather is nice and starting Wednesday it'll be crap. Boooo.
  12. The Departed I think I'd only ever seen random scenes from this movie before, but tonight I sat down and watched the whole thing. It really is a masterpiece. 9.5/10
  13. Just out of curiosity, how often do you wipe everything and start over again? Windows 10 makes it quite easy since you don't even need to input a key or anything like that, but still, reinstalling everything is kind of a pain. What is your normal reformat schedule?
  14. Holy hell, is that what my avatar looks like on that theme? It's a transparent PNG image, it shouldn't do that.
  15. I don't know about the racist part, but since leaving the EU is moronic, saying that it's only morons who want to do so is a bit of a tautology.
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