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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Every time this thread is bumped, I think: "Please don't let it be anyone I like!"
  2. Five minutes or less for me, too. I also have no hair (I shave it down to 3 mm) so it's a quick process.
  3. I'm reading a few books simultaneously. 1. A History of the World in 100 Objects (Neil MacGregor) - This is a book put out by the British Museum and it details 100 objects from their collection that give a history of the world. So they'll have, for example, old coins from the Byzantine era or maybe a bronze hand sculpture from Yemen from 100 AD, as well as a drum from Sudan from 1850 or a modern credit card. Each object gets maybe 3-4 pages and they just give an overview of the object and talk about how it fits into world history. It's really interesting because they show how the items are connected to other objects in the collection or how they are illustrative of some larger principle (e.g. the importance of developing currency for the coins, etc.). 2. Peter Camenzind (Hermann Hesse) - Hermann Hesse's first novel. A youth, Peter Camenzind, leaves his village with the intention to experience the world and learn what life is all about. He becomes friends with several interesting characters who teach him different things about life. A classic Bildungsroman. I'm reading it in German. 3. Paradise Lost (John Milton) - This one I bought on a whim and I kind of regret it. It's famous, of course, and is frequently quoted and cited in other works so I thought I would give it a try. I can't really get into it though. The old style and (for me) uninteresting subject matter (the biblical Fall of Man) hasn't really drawn me in yet but I haven't given it a fair shake quite yet (I'm only about 30 pages in). 4. The Better Angels of Our Nature (Steven Pinker) - Steven Pinker argues that violence in the world has declined and he gives several reasons why. I'm only about 15 pages in to this one so I won't say much about it.
  4. I read the book a couple years ago and honestly I was pretty disappointed. It enjoys such a positive reputation that I was expecting great things, but other than a couple funny lines I was mostly just bored. Maybe a case of me setting my expectations too high? I may check this out just to give it another chance. Maybe it's better in visual form.
  5. Swimming has become a favorite exercise of mine lately but I have to intentionally block this kind of shit out of my mind. This isn't making it any easier.
  6. Did you have an 8 hour school day with no meal in there?
  7. Sorry to hear that, man. You were an attendant in a parking garage, right? Are you considering doing something else now as part of the geographic change, or were you hoping to get something similar in Indiana?
  8. How popular is WhatsApp in the US? It's the top messaging app here in Europe, but I get the impression that it's not all that common there. Do any of you use it?
  9. We always paid with cash in the cafeteria, and I pretty much always had lunch there.
  10. @Jason I know that feel, bro. It really sucks when you don't feel like a relationship was given a proper chance, and I'm truly sorry to hear that it happened to you. Maybe a good strategy would be to avoid those places that bring up memories of her for a little bit, until you feel like you're in a better place where you can make new memories there with friends? Kind of tough if it was all in your neighborhood, but I think that intentionally putting yourself in those situations is just picking at the wound and not allowing it to heal. If you're feeling too down about it, avoiding alcohol for a few days might be a good plan too, but obviously you know yourself and how you're feeling; I certainly don't want to be preachy.
  11. Nokra

    Aly or AJ?

    Had to Google WTF this was about, but now I can make an informed decision: Aly, and it's not even close.
  12. Achievement unlocked! The Number 2 - A girl goes doodoo on your heart twice in two weeks! But seriously, sorry to hear about the pain you're experiencing. No matter what, breakups suck.
  13. True story, when trying to jokingly tell my dad that he "sucks the fun out of everything," my sister instead had a brainfart and told him he "fucks the sun out of everything". My 95 year old grandma was shocked.
  14. Whether you want to call it being cheated on or just hurt, that's fine. She told me that she was going to this neighboring city to visit friends, when in fact she was going to meet up with her ex, which was her plan all along. So at the least, I feel lied to about that. But also, we had just had the discussion of what our expectations were and where things were going literally the day before, so she knew perfectly well that what she was doing was going to hurt me and she either didn't care or didn't think of it in the moment. I'm not sure which is worse. At least she had the decency to be honest about having slept with him after the fact, rather than pretending it didn't happen. For me, the trust was completely gone, and that's all the motivation I needed to end it.
  15. So our last hope has now shifted to being Ronald McDonald doing God's work with a coronary, right?
  16. I really needed to hear this. Thank you, @Triage.
  17. Thanks @Triage. It sucks every day a little bit less but I think I'm still a little bit in that stage where I'm questioning myself and whether there's something I did wrong that drove her to that. I can logically know that it was her decision and that it says more about her than it does about me, but it still feels a lot like a rejection. I know the trick is to get over that feeling, but that's easier said than done. I also feel a little silly for feeling this upset over it because we weren't even officially together and we hadn't even known each other very long, but still... I wanted it to work and thought that it was going well. So maybe part of the reason I'm upset is because I realized in retrospect that it was a classic case of seeing the other person through rose-colored glasses, where all of the red flags just look like flags (-Wanda Pierce from Bojack Horseman). I seem to have made a habit of this lately and it's not doing me any good.
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