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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. @Dodger what was so shitty about your Monday?
  2. I'm not necessarily a fan of Biden, but what would you all prefer? As much as I'd like those who supported Trump to get the , I don't think it's going to win him any votes to say so. This seems like just a political line to me.
  3. "peeing $1 million down the drain", you say? I guess we found a shower-pisser.
  4. I just finished The Hidden Life of Trees, which is a popular science (i.e. somewhat superficial ) description of how trees communicate, what their life-cycle is like, how they interact with their environment, etc. I gave it 4 stars on Goodreads just because I thought it was pretty interesting, though I also realize that it's fairly basic information. I would have appreciated him going in to more depth sometimes, but, on the other hand, it got me more interested in the subject, which I think is the hallmark of a good book.
  5. In order for this to become the official PCCB game, I just have one question: Is there co-op?
  6. Kinda. Each episode is 39-43 minutes (apparently), so with 18 episodes in the first season, that's a lot of content.
  7. This is a bit of a hidden gem that my sister got me on to. It apparently aired on The CW in the US but I've been watching it on Netflix. It's about a girl who was working as a lawyer in New York and moves to West Covina, CA with the hope of getting back together with her former ex-boyfriend that she was with for two months at a summer camp when they were 16. It's a musical comedy that also has a lot to say on social issues, but it's primarily just damn funny. It can be surprisingly dark though. The trailer on YouTube doesn't really do it justice, I think, but here it is: It's been really loved by critics (it has a 98% on RottenTomatoes) but the viewership has apparently been astoundingly low. They just wrapped up their fourth and final season. It's really worth checking out for anyone who is looking for a new comedy with tons of heart and laughs. I'd recommend giving it a couple episodes to really give it a chance if anyone is interested.
  8. I was recently reminded of this video and I thought you all needed to be reminded too. One can never be reminded of American history too often.
  9. Is this a thing now? I've never even heard of this.
  10. For me it's mostly getting out into nature, whether that means a hike, run, or a walk. I also love, love, love to sit along the river in the city I'm in and read. I try to take 30 minutes per day just to do that.
  11. I know it's not unique to Biden, the Republicans, , 2019, I'm a summer child, etc. but... How sad is it that the accepted strategy is to smear someone's reputation rather than oppose their ideas.
  12. Awesome. But FUCK does it piss me off when a website loads a video player automatically AND has it play automatically AND has it play with the sound on.
  13. I don't have particularly strong feelings about him either way. Is he going to be the next story?
  14. There has been a small outcry in the city in Germany I'm in (Freiburg) over this banner which was put up by a student organization from the theology department. NSFW I think it's brilliant. The text says: "Against the abuse and exclusion of women in the church."
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