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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. The first I ever played was probably the SNES with Mario Kart. My parents would rent one from the local video store as a special treat (once or twice per summer, max). They always rented it on a Saturday afternoon and my sisters and I would play Mario Kart from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning when the SNES had to be returned. We got maybe five hours of sleep per night. I was probably around 8 or 9, I would guess. The first I ever owned myself was the N64 when I was 13, and I think Star Wars: Pod Racer was my first game, along with Mario 64. I had the N64 and my own TV in my room, courtesy of my lawn-mowing business.
  2. Do you just mean "losing" because the second half of season 6 is coming out and the show is ending?
  3. Your Nintendo Switch journey began: January 10, 2018 The first game you ever played on your system: Super Mario Odyssey Your most-played Nintendo Switch games in 2019: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe Wargroove The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Mario Kart 8 Deluxe This is how many hours you played Nintendo Switch games in 2019: 207 Hours This is how many Nintendo Switch games and demos you played this year: 6 I think I put in over 100 hours into BotW alone, so the total number of hours kind of surprised me.
  4. Best Buy has the starter set on sale for $10 right now, but before I buy it I had a question for anyone that already bought it. Reviews on Amazon are saying that if you buy the starter set you don't get as many ships and pilots as the digital version and that there's no way to earn them in game. Has this been fixed in a patch by now, or is this still the case? Does anyone know? Thank you so much! Edit - After doing some more research online it seems that maybe I misunderstood how this game works. It sounds like they're wanting you to buy all of these extra pilots, weapons, and ships, as DLC. So I suspect that there's no way to earn them in the game, since you probably can't earn them in the normal version of the game, anyway. I'll leave this post up in case anyone has any other thoughts, but it seems I've answered my own question.
  5. Has anyone here played the Switch version of the game? I have somehow managed to never play this game and my only gaming platform these days is the Switch. Worth it?
  6. I think you don't actually want that. Respawn time is 3 days.
  7. @Bloodporne the only time I really tried long distance was with a girl I had already been with for five years. We did long distance for two years before breaking it off, and even then it was mostly because we just didn't know when it was going to end. But we only saw each other two or three times per year because we were separated by an ocean. I think if you can make progress towards the long distance ending, it really won't be that bad. You've got this, man, chin up!
  8. For me it feels a bit like a time capsule. My parents haven't changed my room since I went off to college, really, which was in 2003, so 16 years ago. I still have a Quake III poster on my wall, my family's annual Christmas cards since 1999 on the bulletin board, etc. I left for college, then left to live in North Carolina for a couple years, and then went to Germany, so I haven't really had a great place to store my shit. Now I'm living with friends in Portland, so I still don't, and the time capsule will remain undisturbed.
  9. I'm finally getting around to watching The Office, 10+ years late. I'm really kicking myself for having waited so long, this show is fantastic. I'm in season 6 now.
  10. I've used Tinder, Spotted, and OKCupid. I had decent success with all three of them as far as meeting women goes. None of the relationships lasted terribly long (the longest being 1 year but it should have ended much sooner) but I think that has more to do with general compatibility than the quality of person one might meet on those sites. I see them as basically just another way to meet people, no better or worse than in a bar.
  11. Thank you for the update, @HardAct , I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you and your family. You really went through hell and it sounds like you are finally seeing some relief. I'm really happy for you, man.
  12. I just can't stand to be this far away from the Orange Führer! Well ok no actually I'm moving back because after 8 years in Germany, it's time for a change. I'll be living in Portland with some friends of mine and finishing my thesis from there. Any of you fine folks live near Portland and want to grab a beer sometime in the coming weeks?
  13. Ha thanks for the heads up... I was contemplating downloading this for a long flight but sounds like I'd better hold off.
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