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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. OK, we get it, you have actual leadership. Stop bragging*. * I'm totally kidding about you needing to stop, though sadly not the actual leadership part.
  2. Hey man, chin up, it's going to be ok! It's awesome that you are so passionate about your work, I really envy that. It's a shit time and it's totally understandable that you feel this way, but it isn't permanent.
  3. I was supposed to go back to Germany to defend my master's thesis in about a month, so it looks like that's all on hold now. On the plus side for me, my university extended all of the submission deadlines by a month because the university is shut down. I'm so glad that I moved back to the US from Germany back in November. At the time I was mostly just wanting to be closer to family, friends, and my girlfriend, having finally grown tired of living in Germany... but now, I'm even more grateful I took the leap... facing this pandemic is a lot less scary when closer to friends and family and in one's own country.
  4. I wonder if some of that is just that higher population density = more people exposed = more cases? Just looked it up and Wuhan has a population density of around 1,200 people / km2 and Berlin has a population density of around 3800 people / km2, Frankfurt is around 3,000, Rome is at 2,200, etc.
  5. I worked at REI for two years and I would say that, perhaps somewhat atypically, my experiences when working there lead me to actually believe in them even more as a company. They really do try to take care of their customers and employees and behave ethically.
  6. Why do people gain weight when you poop? Why are you gaining weight while pooping? Are you by chance eating while on the toilet?
  7. I'm guessing it's something about wanting to preserve the natural beauty of the setting, or something. But this is why we can't have nice things.
  8. As a mild germaphobe, I threw up in my mouth a little just reading this. That sounds really stressful and worrisome. I hope the two of you are holding up OK.
  9. That's some intelligent design!
  10. Yeah I'd probably go by first date, although to be honest I don't always remember what day that was. With my current girlfriend it's easy because it's July 3; we met at a BBQ for the 4th of July (she had to work on the actual holiday).
  11. When the first guys came on requesting butthole, I was thinking "oh they're just goofing around, trying to be funny". But as the video continued, I realized these people are serious. I am now dead inside.
  12. For what it's worth, I really enjoyed The End of the Fucking World. The title is kinda dumb, but it didn't affect the content.
  13. To be fair, it is pretty fucking terrifying. Edit - In case the didn't make it clear, I was mostly being facetious.
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