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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Those are really cool pictures, nice work @TwinIon! In a weird way, the quarantine has been good for me. It pretty much forces me to sit inside and work on my thesis, only going out for an occasional run and grocery shopping. I only just moved to Portland about 4 months ago and barely know anyone here, and my girlfriend and I broke up last week too after being together about 8 months, so I really have nowhere else to go. No excuse not to work on my thesis now.
  2. That's cool, I didn't know you played guitar. What kinds of songs do you like to play?
  3. I'm trying to finish my master's thesis so I'm spending a lot of time inside anyway. Otherwise the biggest annoyance has just been not being able to go out hiking since Oregon shut down most of its parks, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm doing great.
  4. Website seems to be running pretty well now; it's only going to take me about 2 minutes to download both albums (~410 MB).
  5. Woah, nice surprise. Will have to give this a listen tomorrow.
  6. What is this in reference to? I enjoy Tyson's videos now and then and would appreciate a link, if you don't mind.
  7. I don't really understand how he can be polling so well, unless there's some factor of mindlessly clinging to the leader in a time of crisis or something. Does anyone else have any explanation?
  8. Lord knows I've done plenty of dumb things in my life that could have gotten me killed, so far be it from me to judge anyone too harshly for their ignorance, but.... At this point if you aren't taking this seriously, I think you might be hopeless. If this could be limited to just those who are willfully ignorant, I would almost encourage all the dummies to go to church and spread this among them.
  9. Wittle baby pwobabwy stubbed his toesies and cwied and cwied until they took him to the hospital for his boo boo.
  10. I'm having a hard time imagining how corncobs would be effective. If they're wet, you're putting slimy cornwater on your cornhole. If they're dry, you're scraping your cornhole up something fierce. Lord have mercy.
  11. Still tinkering around with Breath of the Wild now and then. I haven't gone in to Hyrule Castle pretty much at all... I'm still just having too much fun exploring, and I heard that once you beat Ganon you're not allowed to explore anymore so I've been putting off that final boss battle. I'm well over 100 hours into my first play through and finally finished all of the shrines, but have probably hundreds of korok seeds to go.
  12. My connection here in Portland, OR has been somewhat unstable, but I think that's par for the course. I've only lived here since November and it has gone out about once per month, the most recent time being yesterday for about 10 minutes.
  13. I know of a nice little camp on the southeastern side of Cuba that might be appropriate for them.
  14. A perfect example of that classic line from Goebbels: "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."
  15. This is amazing. What are the odds that we see even half of this stuff come to pass?
  16. I'm reading Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins. I guess it's sort of a classic, though I honestly don't understand its appeal. I've read all but the last maybe 100 pages and I'm only slogging through it because a few people I know consider it to be their favorite book, so I want to see if it eventually comes together. The humor only rarely tickles my funny bone, and most of the time it just seems like he's rambling and being verbose for the sake of style or to be quirky. Meh.
  17. I actually take this to be pretty encouraging... At this point, I think it's safe to say that if you exclusively watch Fox News, you have probably proven yourself practically immune to logic, reason, and science, so to see them polling at 38% is a good sign, to me.... I expected it to be lower. You're not weak! How would you respond to someone else telling you that they're weak in this situation? However you would respond to that, say that to yourself -- have a bit of compassion for yourself. It's a challenging time, and it's getting almost all of us down a bit. It's perfectly normal to be worried. But your fellow D1Pshits are with you!
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