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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Makes me think of that old joke: How is American beer like having sex in a canoe? They're both fucking close to water.
  2. When did you move to LA? Since your last filing, right? I moved back to the US from Germany in November but as far as they know, I just moved to Portland, OR from Idaho. I'm wondering if maybe it's the moving that's the problem.
  3. Nice, thanks for the heads up; I didn't realize they had updated this. The last I'd seen, they were saying that this was coming but hadn't been released yet.
  4. I just sent off my 2019 tax return on something like April 5th, and it was actually physically mailed and I didn't submit any direct deposit information (too poor), so I guess I'll see a check sometime around 2022, right?
  5. I've never seen Coco so maybe not a fair comparison, but I actually was more upset at Tony Stark dying than either of the other two. After all of the movies and time spent with him, it was the most upsetting to me of those by far. And yeah, like @Bacon said, I'm a sucker for heroic sacrifice like that too.
  6. Here's some good news to cheer everyone up with all of this COVID-19 doom and gloom:
  7. I know a few PAs here in Portland, OR that are debating going. I guess they're paying something like 70k for eight weeks' work.
  8. Maybe a new episode could happen soon, given that everybody is home and bored?
  9. Those who can't do it can just continue to shake hands and let Darwin sort them out.
  10. Nokra


    Step into my van and I'll show you what it means.
  11. I'm on a bit of a classics kick and am reading 1984 by George Orwell and East of Eden by John Steinbeck, as well as The Plague by Albert Camus. For somewhat more modern reading I'm reading The School of Life: An Emotional Education.
  12. He was also involved in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, one of the best shows I've seen in a long time.
  13. What percentage of South Koreans have high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. , I wonder... And how much is that correlated to just being older?
  14. Do you want my key? I've got the first one and haven't even played it yet so I should probably work on that before pretending I'll play the second one. It's all yours if you want it.
  15. Binged through all of this tonight and holy shit, yeah my mind is just blown. I can't believe that more of these people aren't in jail. What a crazy life some people have... It's kind of crazy how much up and down there is emotionally, too... at one point you might be feeling bad for Joe Exotic, the next you think "man what a scumbag, let him fry"..... one minute you think "there's no way Carol could have killed her husband..." and the next minute: "hmm, well maybe...".... Masterful.
  16. Ha no, it was more a case of just not communicating, I guess. She kept breaking up with me rather than discussing it when we had a silly argument or difference of opinion and then a few days later would come back to me and say "let's try again" (but never apologizing for breaking it off), and after four times of that shit and her being unwilling to try to learn to deal with disagreements another way, I'd had enough. Kind of sucks, because I really care about her and we are generally very compatible, but if you can't disagree well with your partner, it can't last, and in the meantime the emotional rollercoaster was awful.
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