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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. This amused me last night at 3 am :
  2. Agreed, and the article sort of addresses this. The tl;dr version is, he's more or less a hostage of the GOP of his own doing. He sees himself as decent and honorable too, and maybe he is, but the fact that he has hitched his horse to the Trump wagon requires him to play the part. I hadn't read much on Crenshaw, so thanks for posting that @osxmatt.
  3. A reference to a very old SNL sketch with Adam Sandler and Chris Farley, and basically the only other time I've ever heard anyone refer to them as hoagies or grinders. The line I'm talking about is around the 2 minute mark.
  4. For me at least, the roughly 300 hours I've sunk into just Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze have made the Switch totally worth the price of admission. Then adding all of the indies and multiplatform games in there and it's pretty much a no-brainer. I would also second the pro controller being pretty much a necessity though; I can and have played the Switch for many hours in portable mode, but it's so much better with a real controller.
  5. Just did this now, thanks for the reminder. I checked my purchase history and I seem to be in the clear.
  6. I'll be curious to know what you think. I'm a pretty big fan of King's writing and am always up for a new story from him. I'm starting East of Eden again. I was reading it a couple years ago and then accidentally left my copy in the US when I went back to Germany. But I'm back in the US(SR) now!
  7. Man... I bought this back in December and haven't even opened it yet... sooo muuuch conteeeent!
  8. I don't understand this. She should vote for Biden to prevent Trump from winning, and then if there is any legitimacy to the claims against Biden he'll step down and his female VP takes over as President.
  9. Is there any reason to care about people protesting from their cars? My thoughts are: the right to protest is theirs (even if I disagree with their reasoning), and as long as they don't block off hospitals like that other protest and they don't get out of their cars and potentially catch and/or spread COVID-19, I don't really care. It seems that the majority of people feel the same way, but I'm wanting to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.
  10. It appears that our very own Sanborn is followed by Obama!
  11. I saw something yesterday or the day before on Twitter that was a response to Trump saying he had absolute authority that was something like: "Susan Collins thought that Trump had learned his lesson just 67 days ago." 10-14 days is an eternity in this timeline.
  12. I can just see Trump requiring the networks to air this conference and then later bragging about his excellent ratings.
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