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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I only had it once when I was a kid (my neighbor shot one around their cabin). I remember it being pretty gamey, but my palette probably wasn't very developed at around 10 or so. Still, I know a lot of hunters and most of them won't touch bear meat because they say it's too gamey.
  2. It usually is very dry.
  3. You don't have a Threadripper 3990x? Son, I am disappoint.
  4. I guess I'll just keep hoping that a check will randomly appear in my mailbox since I can't seem to enter my direct deposit info. If it never happens then I wonder what, if any, recourse I'd have to try and get it worked out.
  5. I haven't gotten mine, either. I can't even get the IRS to acknowledge that they got my 2019 tax return, let alone verify who I am and send me the check. Getting very frustrated with it.
  6. I ended up going with an Amazon Web Services C5 server just because I had already looked into that one and knew more or less what I was getting into there, but thank you @cusideabelincoln! I have my experiments running on an AWS server with 96 cores (had to contact customer support to get special permission to get that many ) and the experiment that was taking just over 14 days on the university server (with 16 cores) is probably going to complete in 3.5 days on the AWS server. Thank you all!
  7. I'm completing my master's thesis and of course two weeks before my deadline, the server from the university crashed and I quite possibly lost two weeks worth of work. I'm considering my options now to see if I could redo the work in a shorter time by paying for time on a better server. I'm running some artificial evolution software (Aevol) which is highly parallelized. It isn't too resource intensive as far as RAM goes, but it will use as many CPUs/threads as you can throw at it. I would need whatever cluster to let me run Ubuntu 18.04. The university server I was using was running 16 cores and it still was taking about two weeks for the experiments to complete, so any improvement over this is great. I was getting so desperate, I was even considering buying a 3950x (16 cores, 32 threads) and building my own server since I was wanting to build a new gaming computer anyway, but it seems like pretty much all of the decent motherboards for that CPU are sold out. Probably it's better for my wallet this way. Does anyone here have any experience renting time on a cluster? If so, which company would you go with, and what do you think I could expect to pay for (ideally) 32 or more CPUs for about a week? Is an AWS EC2 instance likely all I would need, for example? This is all very new to me so I appreciate any information you all can give. Thank you!
  8. For what it's worth (probably not much), I lived in Germany for the last almost 9 years (early 2011 to late 2019), plus a semester back in college (2007) and never experienced any anti-American sentiment from Germans at all. If anything, after 2016 they were by and large very sympathetic to our plight. To be fair though, I was in a college town in the southwest (Freiburg) which is known as a pretty liberal place in an already liberal country. I also never really went to eastern Germany except for Berlin (big liberal city), Munich (the most Americanized place in Germany), and Nuremberg (just passing through on my way further east). The only time I've really gotten flak for being an American in the roughly 30 countries I've been in was from a Pakistani diplomat who was in my German course in Berlin in 2011, and he wasn't really being unfair; he was pushing back on my ignorant views at the time. I don't even remember what he criticized me about, but I think I was probably defending some Republican policy because I was an ignorant kid away from home for basically the first time; I deserved it.
  9. She first asked him why he insists on making it a competition by claiming that the US is doing far better than any other country. "Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are losing their lives." This is apparently the question he didn't like, presumably because it's implicitly critical, implying that he shouldn't be doing this.
  10. What really stands out to me in this clip is what a petulant child he is. He gets asked a question he doesn't like, gives a stupid answer, and when called on it, takes his ball and goes home.
  11. Yesterday (May 8th) marked the 15th anniversary of the upload of this internet gem:
  12. Well obviously they don't want to risk themselves, they just want others to have to go to work for their convenience.
  13. I was pretty decent at TF2 and would often finish top 3 on public servers, but even there, that's not much of an accomplishment.
  14. Do you think it will eventually work out to be a positive thing? I find it easy enough to imagine the short term consequences as being pretty negative, but maybe by exposing this shit to a little sunlight, it could turn more people away from the party? Or is that naive?
  15. I recently got into an argument with two of my uncles on Facebook who also insisted that "muh freedum" was being threatened by the lockdown. It seemed to shut them up when I pointed out that we place limits on people's freedom all the time in order to live in a society and that, analogously to how their right to swing their fist ends at my nose, their right to go out is limited by my right to life. I know you personally don't go much for the idea of "rights" but this seemed to work on my conservative uncles. Either that or they just got tired of arguing.
  16. I plan on building my first computer in 8 years in a few months, and it will definitely have a Ryzen CPU. Hallelujah!
  17. I feel like this should be merged into the thread of Canadian good governance*. *Not really, I'm just jelly.
  18. In an ideal world, they would be challenged on their claims that voting by mail is ripe for voter fraud and an investigation would be forced. If no fraud was found, then obviously they disproved their claim and voting by mail is perfectly safe. If they found fraud, then the vote to limit voting by mail was invalid. But obviously this will never happen.
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