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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Did she just keep refreshing the page on BestBuy.com or are there actually stores open where you live? One of my friends is trying to get one and we drove around to four or five different stores today and couldn't find any. There was a Fred Meyer that said they had 7 and when we called, they couldn't find them.
  2. Does he have any components already? It's a little difficult to find a lot of motherboards for the AMD offerings right now but their higher core/thread count should be a boon to video editing (thinking specifically of the 3900X if it can be managed with the budget).
  3. Huh? That song isn't from Team America.... it's a song that is parodied in Team America (this one) but that song is not in the movie. Edit - I clicked the thread and see that the author meant it as a joke. Whoops.
  4. Favorite reply so far: "Wonder how many people will show up with confederate flag underwear to make themselves feel better."
  5. This is not meant as a criticism of you, but... Maybe it will be fun, but I think we need more than fun right now.
  6. You're definitely not alone in feeling like that, @SoberChef. Life is pretty absurd at the best of times, and this year is absolutely nuts. Hang in there, and if you need someone to talk to, send me a PM any time.
  7. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fbi-boente/fbis-top-lawyer-resigns-as-agency-faces-pressure-from-trump-idUSKBN2360TA
  8. Sold out, I guess because of people working from home and being bored? And maybe some supply issues? I've been looking all over for them too. Even the basic models were going for $500+ on Amazon Marketplace.
  9. A girl I worked with back in high school, Emily, is actually on the show with her Russian husband, Sasha. Sounds like they had a mostly positive experience with it.
  10. Are you meaning that anyone who does it is weak-minded, or just that the people you know who do it are weak-minded? If it's the former, I would push back on that a little - linguistic accommodation isn't a sign of being weak-minded. It's a natural and normal process that everyone does to some extent. It's done for the same reason that makes people speak differently with the elderly than with the young. If that wasn't what you were saying, I'll have to take your word for it on their weak-mindedness, but I believe you. Yeah I think everyone does it to some degree, as I said above. I think it's pretty cool how we can be so adaptable. After living in Germany for 9 years, I found myself sometimes adopting certain idioms or ways of expressing myself that were poorer or even completely incorrect English but which were better understood by the non-native speakers I was around. I was aware I was doing it at the time, but it was when I was back around other native speakers that I realized how often I was doing it.
  11. I know you're not saying that it was all that was wrong with her, and personally I'm not a big Clinton fan, but for what it's worth, I know a lot of non-politicians that will change their accent based on who they're speaking with. The best examples are southerners who lessen or lose the twang until they're back around other southerners.
  12. Has anyone else here been watching After Life, Ricky Gervais's latest Netflix project? I thought we had talked about it on this board somewhere but I couldn't find a topic. Season 2 just launched on Netflix about a month ago. Here's a trailer for season 1 (NSFW language warning): I love the humanity and dark humor. Lots of existential questions handled with heart. Has anyone else been watching this?
  13. Voted absentee (by mail, so obviously fraudulently ) in the Idaho Democratic primary. Sooo basically I wasted my time.
  14. The Stand has been on my "to read" list ever since I read the Dark Tower series, loved it, and found out these two were connected. Thanks for the heads up! Too bad Whoopi Goldberg is in it though.
  15. Aww, look at the Canadian thinking that other countries also have competent governments and a populous that doesn't require warnings to not inject bleach.
  16. I had two papasan chairs from Pier 1 back in high school. They were excellent reading and videogaming chairs.
  17. Why's that? I was considering reading it since I generally have liked Ronan Farrow's work that I've seen.
  18. @MarSolo I moved the posts about Matt Lauer here to this thread on the Entertainment board since it seemed to fit more with the topic, but if you prefer it in the old thread just let me know and I can move it back.
  19. It basically just means a more intense flavor. Farmed animals usually have a lot more fat on them and have a different diet, so that affects the taste of the meat. Some people really dislike it, I guess just because they're not used to it. I eat wild game so rarely that it's a bit of a rare treat.
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