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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I got a 1650 Super for about $175 that I've been really happy with, but it will largely depend on your budget and whether you're willing to go used or wait for the newer 3xxx cards to launch to make everything else cheaper.
  2. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
  3. True, since recycling involves removing the still-useful bits and cats are entirely useless.
  4. For the first time since 2011, (almost 10 years ) I'm building a gaming PC. My Steam backlog is still huge but I hope to be able to join you all for some shenanigans in some new games very soon. My system: CPU - Ryzen 3900x Cooler - Noctua NH-C14S Mobo - MSI Meg x570 Unify GPU - ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1650 Super 4 GB RAM - 32 GB DDR4 PC3200 SSD - 1 TB 970 Samsung Evo NVMe PSU - Corsair RMX850x, 80+ Gold I kind of went "light" on the GPU assuming that I would be upgrading that once the new Ampere cards are cheaper and I've worked through my backlog a bit but from my understanding, this should at least give me good performance at 1080p. The 3900x is going to be awesome for various programming projects I'll have and video compression. So how did I do?
  5. The only person I've met from the boards was @Emperor Diocletian II in DC years ago (10-ish?). I think we went out and got a drink or dinner and had a lovely chat. I know @osxmatt lives in Oregon (Portland?) where I am, so maybe we should say hi at our next super organized weekly Antifa meeting.
  6. I don't think it's all that uncommon of a thing to do, though it does seem to a) cool down the rice too much and b) remove a lot of the texture.
  7. Just started a new job (my first career job) and they're only giving us two weeks of vacation and a week of sick leave per year, which they don't pay out if you don't use it. Coming from Germany where six weeks is standard, even for an entry-level job, this is painful. How is it at your job? And how long have you been there?
  8. Put me in the "I like a bit of heat but still like to be able to taste the food and not cry/shit fire" camp.
  9. Aww, she must really care! She's not doing you or her any favors by not keeping distance, whatever the reasons for the breakup. That sucks man, sorry you're going through a breakup, let alone one that is like that.
  10. I just finished The False Cause: Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory by Adam Domby. It's from a history professor that I actually knew when I lived in North Carolina. He was going to grad school at UNC Chapel Hill with my girlfriend at the time, so it's kind of cool to see his book published and recognize a lot of the names in the Acknowledgement section. Also he has been in the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, etc. on the issue of Confederate memory, especially lately given how often Confederate monuments are appearing in the news. Anyway, the book was really interesting and timely, too. It examines the myth of the Lost Cause and how the attempt to recast the loss of the Civil War by the Confederacy was really an attempt to support white supremacy. That this was done is probably not news to anyone paying attention, but exactly how and why this was done is the focus of the book. Essentially, it boils down to the South portraying itself as a homogeneously white and supportive entity, when in fact the Confederacy had far more issues than the US with deserters, dissenters, pension fraud after the war, etc. The book really tears apart a lot of neo-Confederate arguments, too, so that's pretty satisfying if you hear people saying things like "it wasn't about slavery" or they try to glorify the Confederacy or Confederate soldiers. The book is also a really interesting look at how historical narratives are created and maintained. I know we have a couple people who are interested in history ( @Emperor Diocletian II and @CastlevaniaNut18 come immediately to mind) though I don't remember whether there's much interest in Civil War history. In any case, as a former history minor, I loved the book and I'd definitely recommend it.
  11. I do love my Suunto 7 watch with Google Pay and not even needing to carry the physical card.
  12. Well yeah, you should be, if she's your one friend. Seriously though, I hope she's ok.
  13. FWIW, half of my stupid family is already saying this shit. "Life is uncertain so we can't live in fear."
  14. I've recently been getting into discussions/arguments with my conservative aunts and uncles on Facebook. I gave up when my uncle's final argument was "we're all going to die at some point, so why worry about it?"
  15. I know we've talked about this before, but it's just astounding to me how politicized masks have become. Of all the stupid things...
  16. Nice work man. I don't think I could get under 7 to save my life. What app are you using to track this stuff? I recently bought a Suunto 7 and have been looking at my options (Suunto's app, Strava, etc.),
  17. Sweet, we've got the construction workers. We just need a cop, a Native American, a biker, and a cowboy and we're ready to party!
  18. Well it got people to stop talking for at least a minute about how his buddy paid to have American troops killed. Mission accomplished?
  19. I live in Portland and went out to Clackamas today. Maybe around 50% of people were wearing masks, I would say. We're so boned.
  20. Good luck, @gamer.tv! For what it's worth, I'd always heard that if you can't sleep within about 30 minutes, you should get up and do something. Maybe because in some people, lying there not sleeping tends to cause anxiety about not sleeping, which keeps you from sleeping, etc.? In any case, I hope you could sleep and you had a good first day (or night, as it were )!
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