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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. @Fizzzzle Did you get this figured out? If I'm understanding correctly, it sounds like you're missing the 4-pin CPU power, right? Your PSU should have come with the correct cable, and if not you should be able to find one online, either through a retailer (e.g. Amazon) or by contacting the manufacturer. Just be aware that the cables on modular power supplies are unfortunately not necessarily standardized so you'll need to make sure and get the right one for the manufacturer.
  2. Very sad, I love Daft Punk and have their entire discography, though I've never been able to see them live. I wonder what caused the split.
  3. Non sequitur "murders and violent crimes are up in New York City..." Fucking classic. "My crimes don't count because there are also other crimes".
  4. It's a shame that this country is filled with so many angry and stupid people that Trump will even be absolved of a direct attack on our democracy. I have no doubt that many Republican senators realize Trump's culpability, but they know they can get away with letting him off the hook to score points with the idiots.
  5. I'm in southeast Portland but work in Hillsboro. Oregon crew unite! Got some snow in Hillsboro but it was pretty much all gone by the time I got home from work.
  6. His supporters have an easy out with COVID I suppose, eh?
  7. As so often is the case in life: When you're given a hard problem, sometimes the best thing to do is to stroke it!
  8. I set mine for just 12 books in 2020 and I failed even that, reading only 10 all year. In my defense, I did move back to the US and completed a master's thesis, but it still shames me as the lowest number of books I've read in a year over the last five years.
  9. Nokra


    Germany aged me a lot. I'm now a bitter old man. But I speak German!
  10. Nokra


    I'm 35 and I work in IT in Portland, OR.
  11. It is, thanks! Just defended my master's thesis on Tuesday, moved back to the US back in November of 2019 (to Portland), and am now working at Intel. Life is good! What's new with you?
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