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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I had debated getting a condo here in Portland instead of paying rent for an apartment, but I imagine this bubble is bound to burst soon.
  2. I'm down for this coming Tuesday if you all are!
  3. I'm in a long-running reading lull. I have a metric ton of books to read but can't decide where to start. I've started about four or five but can't seem to stick with any one of them. So far, I've started: Apollo's Arrow by Nicholas Christakis Meditations by Marcus Aurelius The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (for the 100th time ) The Meritocracy Trap by Daniel Markovits I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn't) by Brené Brown I stopped after about 20 pages of each.
  4. FWIW the Walgreens I went to said they were running on a skeleton crew because of the pandemic, though I don't know what exactly that means for them. Still, I had my appointment at 6:30 and I got there at 6:15 and was walking out the door to go home by around 7:15, even including the 15 extra minutes I waited after the shot (i.e. 30 minutes total) because nobody told me how long to wait and I'm a good little rule-follower.
  5. @Fizzzzle if you can travel a bit, use this site: VaccineFinder - Find COVID-19 vaccine locations near you VACCINEFINDER.ORG VaccineFinder helps you find clinics, pharmacies, and other locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. In some states, information may be limited while more providers and pharmacies update locations in the coming weeks. COVID-19 vaccine availability is limited, and appointments are required at most locations. Putting in my zipcode, I'm still finding a lot of available appointments.
  6. I went to a Walgreens a tiny bit outside of Portland, the one over in Gresham on Powell Blvd. My sister actually is the one who found and made the appointment for me; I gave her my insurance info and she of course knows my birthday so she was just looking while I was at work (she's working from home). She might have just gotten lucky in finding this appointment, but she said there were still lots of slots available when she looked. She just booked this for me on Friday. She first tried looking in Portland itself but wasn't having any luck and then moved a bit outside the city. Also, that's really funny, I live over on east Burnside, near the Portland Rock Gym, so we're about 2 miles from each other.
  7. It was a Walgreens, yeah. The pharmacist said that she was scheduled to give about 80 shots today just herself. While I was there she was the only one administering the shots.
  8. Might be worth it for a chance to literally shit on the Confederacy.
  9. Still May 3rd. I asked the pharmacist and she confirmed that it was (at least) 21 days for Pfizer but they're just doing (at least) 28 days for everyone.
  10. Once they brought me in, they told me I was actually getting Pfizer. Doesn't matter to me: put it in my veins!!! Dose 1 - done!
  11. Truth be told, my sister booked it for me because I was at work at the time, but she used this site (endorsed by the CDC) to find an appointment. My appointment is with a Walgreens outside of Portland (in Gresham). I think getting a bit outside of the metropolitan area is helpful, especially if you can go for a place that's a bit more red.
  12. "...what the MLB's knee-jerk decision means: cancel culture and woke political activists are coming for every aspect of your life, sports included". God, so dumb.
  13. Very easy, took me maybe 5-10 minutes. No leaks, fits well, etc. At least with the Tushy models, they include a hose and splitter adapter to go from the water source (wall) to the toilet. If your water source is far away for some reason (or your toilet's water hookup is difficult to access and you want to use a sink hookup) they encourage you to go to a hardware store and buy whatever length of hose you need. They make it really easy.
  14. Nokra


    I went to study abroad in Germany on basically a whim in college and then loved it so much I stayed over there for 10 years, soooo.. yes? I say do it, if you're feeling it. But before you go, maybe the PDX crew should meet up for a beer? Outside and distanced?
  15. I don't have any, but an ex has pawprints on her wrist that contained some of the ashes from her dog that died. I thought that was sweet and kinda weird.
  16. I just got one two days ago. Live in Europe for 10 years, never use one. Girlfriend gets one, I get myself one within two weeks.
  17. I don't mean for this to be a harsh criticism: I empathize with this sentiment, and I understand that maybe it's more a temporary expression of frustration than actual long-term apathy.... but despair only plays in to the hands of the ammosexuals. Fuck. That. We got this.
  18. Same, I got a letter a couple days ago and was surprised that I was only getting $600... Then I realized it was for the second, not third. $1400 direct deposit to my bank account on Wednesday.
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