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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Have you watched the show? An ex got me in to it and it's surprisingly good, IMO. I've been considering the books so I'll be curious to know what you think!
  2. I admit I laughed when I saw this, but I really, really wish that this wasn't newsworthy. I truly wonder how much momentum the idiotic ivermectin train gains just by being in the news so much.
  3. Exactly this was my uncle a couple weeks ago. There's just no reaching some people.
  4. Glad to hear that you're mostly on the mend, @stepee and very sorry to hear this happened. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  5. As a quick update, my uncle that had to receive monoclonal antibodies because of his strong case of COVID and who told my dad while he could barely speak because he couldn't catch his breath that he "felt so foolish for not getting vaccinated" is on the mend and already back on Facebook posting bullshit about how we shouldn't mandate vaccines. I say this as someone who loves my uncle and wishes him no harm, despite his stupidity: fuck these fools so hard.
  6. Not sure if it's better to put this here or in the CEB community thread, but... I mentioned a couple pages back that a couple of my conservative, anti-mask, anti-vax family members caught COVID. One of them had a monoclonal antibody infusion and then IV fluids at least twice so far but seems to be on the mend. The other aunt and uncle I have no idea, haven't gotten any updates from them. Guessing they're not too bad or else I'd hear about it, but who knows. I also learned that one other great uncle (my grandma's brother) died of COVID a few days ago. He was a sweet, funny guy in his late 70s that was always so kind and charming in a quirky way. He was fully vaccinated but had had other health issues (including a kidney transplant a few years ago) and he had smoked for decades before finally quitting maybe 15 years ago. Pretty sure he caught it from the uncle and aunt that are going to be just fine. Sigh. I mostly feel bad for my grandma. Meanwhile, my younger sister refuses to get vaccinated because she doesn't trust big pharma and is trusting her immune system to get her through. I'm sure in the morning I'll feel better, but tonight I'm just so tired of people being selfish assholes.
  7. Really sorry to hear that, Riley. Wishing you strength and comfort in the days ahead.
  8. Today I learned that one uncle was already having symptoms when he decided to go out to get supplies to help out the other uncle, so he went to at least one store knowing he had COVID symptoms.
  9. My anti-vax aunt and two uncles all tested positive for COVID. Fry_shocked.gif They're seemingly doing ok for now but my one uncle has emphysema (smoked for 30+ years, quit maybe a decade ago) and is apparently really feeling it. Maybe they'll start taking this more seriously, but I doubt it. My grandma is also often around them but at least she's vaccinated.
  10. I mean, at least he's got the right message about vaccinations... He would be far worse without them.
  11. I see how it could appear that that was my goal, but my intention was more to show that at least some large corporations are taking this more seriously than others. For what it's worth, I work at Intel, not for Intel.
  12. I admit I was briefly confused, wondering if Wade had secret love children.
  13. Maybe this was the GOP's 12-dimensional chess, big brain strategy all along... Claim this past election was a fraud so that when Democrats rightfully say "no it wasn't", in the GOP's mind this then gives them a free pass to have to fight dirty with gerrymandering since it was all unfair anyway.
  14. I work at Intel and we never stopped wearing masks. For a while they even had us wearing them outside.
  15. "If irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now, Tom."
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