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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. You've got this, @Fizzzzle! I'm sure there will be up and down days, but feel free to lean on your D1Pshit friends any time! And we should still meet up before you leave Portland forever.
  2. Sounds like we need the market to produce a better alternative.
  3. Ironically, the thing they lost is a GPS-tracked dog collar.
  4. Or the fact that we have an entire thread about why the "useless old woman" is not to be trusted.
  5. I had a package get lost, I submitted a lost package claim, and they said they'd respond to me within 1-3 business days. Two weeks later and I've heard jack. We Aint Found Shit Spaceballs GIF - We Aint Found Shit Spaceballs Lost - Discover & Share GIFs TENOR.COM Click to view the GIF
  6. My sister is about as liberal as they come, educated, smart, otherwise reasonable, etc. but she refuses to get vaccinated because she doesn't trust the pharmaceutical industry and basically thinks her own immune system will be enough. Arguing with her about this just shows how many logical fallacies, misinformation, and IMO arrogance are in play around this topic that don't come up in other domains. For the arrogance, I mean: Our dad is a family physician with 35+ years of experience, my other sister works with the State Department in their global response to pandemics, and is getting her master's in Public Health, but yeah... The sister knows better than them, let alone all of the global experts. At least in her case, being anti vax isn't a problem of rationality; I think it's an emotional problem.
  7. "Higher is greater levels of freedumb." Well and they're also dragging others into traffic, in this analogy... Not just those who want to play traffic-adjacent but people who are trying to stay far away from the road.
  8. I think it's pretty pretentious of France to just assume they'll get invited to every ménage à trois.
  9. Are you sure we shouldn't just trust the Facebook posts of our uncles who barely passed high school?
  10. I don't feel like we should be putting the delusions of the mentally ill out on social media.
  11. Yeah this can't possibly be real, right? I mean... I stopped reading after point a) where he says he's not capable of being injected with something against his will and judgment. You know.... Like what they do when you join the military.
  12. I'm curious... If you don't mind, what made you stop? I have a picture of you in my mind, based on past posts, of being quite the beer connoisseur . What changed your mind? Good luck, @Fizzzzle! You've got this!
  13. I haven't posted a picture in a very long time, so here's me with my new (as of about a month ago) dog, hiking on Mt. Hood yesterday:
  14. Assuming we could have other law enforcement step in until a new police force is trained/hired, I'm not seeing a down side to letting them all quit over this.
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