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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Agreed. I'm fine with society shouldering the financial cost of housing pedos for life in prison if it means they're not out causing more harm.
  2. Just trying to get eyeballs on pages, regardless of the cost to public health, our institutions, etc.
  3. I remember Shaka, when the walls fell.
  4. This. I lived in Germany for nearly 10 years and not-infrequently would take a weekend trip to Spain, to England, to France, to Switzerland, to Portugal... It's easy once you're over there, either by rail or by short flight ( ~ 1 hour). Other advantages are that it's very safe (current COVID issues excluded), and you can easily get by with English pretty much everywhere, especially in the bigger cities. If you'd like any tips or suggestions, I'm happy to share my experiences if they would be useful.
  5. Regarding the sucking at it: I find it's a weird mix of needing to be selfish yet team-based. You can't go too much out of your way to try and help your teammates (e.g. revive them, resupply them, etc.) because with 64 opposing players, expose yourself too much and you're quite likely to get seen and gunned down. On the other hand, it's obviously a team-based game so cooperation is very much rewarded, both in terms of match goals (e.g. keeping spawn tickets by reviving) and overall, since you get points for all of these cooperative actions. A coordinated team will also of course do much better... And yet they didn't include voice chat for your squad, for example. I agree though: When you're running towards a control point and explosions are going off all around you, there's a dogfight in the sky, you're running through smoke screens unsure of what you'll see on the other side... it's pretty epic.
  6. Ha, I guess it was inevitable that it would go on sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and since it was a time-limited deal to buy it with a 3070 Ti I didn't have much of a choice, but still that stings a little that it's $165 off. Anyway, here's my CrystalDisk results for the M480:
  7. I got an MSI Spatium M480 2 TB M.2 because it was a combo deal with my 3070 Ti from Newegg and it's been good, but pricey. So besides the above, I also got: GTAV Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  8. Yeah this looks even better in motion and at 2k, but here's a random (low-res) screen grab from Portal mode yesterday:
  9. What really strikes me about this whole story is his "victimhood". He "was on a short leash", couldn't bring himself to talk about something else like a normal person, and "had" to go sit pouting in the car.
  10. FWIW, I'm totally a peon at work and still had Thursday and Friday off.
  11. I got three games on Steam: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Shadow of the Tomb Raider GTAV That's it. I'm tempted by a Kindle Oasis but since my Paperwhite is still working fine, I probably shouldn't. Plus they will probably be coming out with a new version, since the current one is from 2019 (not 2017, Ominous ).
  12. Yeah there have been two updates, and a larger one is planned for next week. The full details are here. I'm not sure about a free trial, but with EA Play for $5/month you do get the updates. Edit - They do also give you a 10% discount on the full game if you use EA Play, and your progress carries over, so I guess in that way it's a free trial.
  13. Yeah they just have knives, the damage done by body shots is turned way down, and headshots are instant kills. It's pretty intense when you're surrounded by 20-30 zombies at a time all coming at you with knives. You're trying to plant explosives and they are actually capable of defusing.
  14. I've put in a total of around 4 hours into this game so far and I'm very much enjoying it. It looks really great with everything on ultra. A coworker created a server in Portal mode that is humans vs. zombies and it's been really fun to play that with him. If anyone is interested in trying it out, let me know. Lastly, anyone who wants to, please feel free to add me on Origin if we aren't already friends: Nokra219
  15. I kind of got out of PC gaming when I was in grad school but now that I'm finished and have a new 3070 Ti, I'm getting back in to it. With this current sale, I ended up getting: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition $34.79 - Never played any of these games before but a coworker told me about this edition and said it was fantastic. GTAV $14.79- Loved GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas back in the day. I own GTAIV but haven't played it. Shadow of the Tomb Raider $13.05 - This one is largely to push my new 3070 Ti. I haven't played any Tomb Raider games before. How about you all? Did you pick anything up?
  16. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! A special thank you to SFLUFAN for continuing to run my internet home.
  17. @Commissar SFLUFAN I'm curious, what's your exercise regimen like these days?
  18. I liked math a lot, and history. In 6th grade I had a teacher who was really in to ancient Egypt, and every year she would have her class put on a sort of "living museum" in her classroom for the rest of the school to go through. Students would dress up as ancient Egyptians and talk to visitors about their projects, which were exhibits on hieroglyphs, the pyramids, ancient hunting techniques, art, whatever. It was really awesome how into it she was and how much freedom she gave the students to be creative and find a topic that interested them.
  19. Nothing really for Thanksgiving, but for Christmas we typically watch It's a Wonderful Life ( ) and Lord of the Rings ( ).
  20. Yeah other than the roughly five million deaths worldwide, corona has been awesome for my germophobic tendencies.
  21. Yeah, both of these. It seems to me that most of the time when people are bitching about "cancel culture", it's just that they're being held accountable for the shitty thing they said and they're not used to it. Though there are certainly exceptions where PC-ness has gone too far, of course.
  22. I never share food or drinks with anyone, not even my own family. I'll share with a romantic partner, but that's it. It just grosses me out.
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