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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Is your insurance all paid up? Like others have said, I wouldn't mess around with electricity and potential fire hazards. Without someone actually looking at things in person I would be somewhat skeptical of any advice you might get from here. It seems best to let an electrician take a look.
  2. I think just Super Smash Brothers Ultimate for Switch. I still have an enormous backlog and little time, but I can't pass up Smash.
  3. I would guess that maybe its first few episodes will have decent buzz due to Roseanne's departure and people wanting to see in what direction the show goes without her, but yeah... I can't see this lasting all that long.
  4. I could never forget you, @NeoJoe ! You're one of my favorites here!
  5. TIL, The def star has gone black.
  6. On the XBox theme, avatars seem to have a white background behind them. I specifically made my avatar a PNG with transparency so that it wouldn't have a white background. Any chance you could make the default avatar background color the same as the posts? Then transparency effects would work. Edit - just to make sure you know what I'm talking about: the white background behind my avatar here: is a part of the theme, it seems, because the image itself doesn't have that white background, as you can see here, when it's embedded on a black background: or here in a post, it takes on the color of the background: This doesn't seem to be the case on the other themes... on all of the other themes, the background color is the same as the post color.
  7. Yeah I'm using the Xbox theme now too; it's by far my favorite. Excellent work, @Emblazon!
  8. I agree, this should be an ongoing pinned thread. The one thing I don't quite understand is why in some of these videos people actually shouting "shame, shame!" at the person. That just makes me laugh, because it reminds me of the "witch" scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  9. That's awesome, man, congrats, that must be such a rewarding feeling! How many people were able to play your game? Were they able to provide some useful feedback as well?
  10. Is anyone else getting an "access denied" error for this link? Maybe because I'm in freaky deaky Deutschland...
  11. We had this before the boards decided to send us back to D1P's Stone Age and I figured it has been a while since I've seen some of your lovely mugs. So let's have an updated thread! Here's me in Portugal a couple months ago:
  12. I was a little sad at first but now, to be honest, I'm actually happy that the boards shit the bed. There's nothing like a fresh start! We let the past die and didn't even have to kill it.
  13. Sounds great! I'm definitely in for this, I loved the first one. Evangeline Lilly
  14. My issue was the icon for tabs in a browser, but I'll go ahead and tag @Nokt since your reply seems to be for him.
  15. I'll go ahead and give this a "like" since I see you fixed it. Thank you, sir!
  16. @Emblazon I'm not sure if this is an issue for you or @Jason but on the SNES theme, there seem to be icons missing for browser tabs: Maybe not such a high priority at the moment but I noticed that it's missing and figured I'd say something. Thank you both! Edit - I checked on the other themes and it's missing there, too, FYI.
  17. I know it's not at all new to say so, but the Republican party has really been hijacked. Obviously it's merely anecdotal, but... My parents are lifelong conservatives, have always voted strictly Republican in every election (AFAIK), live in rural Idaho, etc., and even they didn't vote for Trump and in fact voted for Hillary. I think it's great that Will is following his conscience and has the courage of his convictions. It's too bad that most of the people who need to read his piece in the Washington Post the most are likely part of the TL:DR crowd.
  18. Yeah regardless of how well demarcated the border was, 2 weeks' retention seems very excessive and inefficient. As soon as the mother provided the necessary documentation that seems like it should have been the end of it.
  19. Today I've been trying to work on a programming project for school, but am not very focused. As evidenced by the fact that I'm here.
  20. Nokra

    Got a new job

    Congrats on the new job! What made you switch, @Zarich ? Just wanting a change? Better commute? Better pay?
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