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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I haven't either. I've seen some that are made of paper or cardboard so as to be more eco-friendly, but these appear to be plastic as well. Are they just meant to be easier to remove, or what's the advantage? Is it just that they're solid on top so an animal is less likely to get stuck in them?
  2. Hmm that sucks, sorry to hear that Derek. I'm happy to listen if you ever need it. I hope that things improve for you very soon! Congrats on the marriage and the house, that's fantastic! Out of curiosity, how did you meet your wife? IIRC Wade said you were driving truck these days. Is that right? And yes, homosex talk is highly encouraged on the PC boards! Glad to see you around too, @Danger and @projectmayhem! What brought on the move to Japan, mayhem? And Danger, you're done with the army soon, right? Any idea what you'll be doing after that?
  3. I like basically all sushi. I generally don't like cucumber (except for @Derek's) so if it's too strong on the cucumber, it ain't for me. Otherwise, bring it on!
  4. I'm not sure of the spelling, but "kiki" in French is a childish way of saying "penis" (like "peenie" in English). Therefore, the "kiki challenge" should involve cutting off your kiki so as to not be able to reproduce.
  5. I didn't say or mean to imply that there weren't negative consequences of even "light" racism. You're right though, what I've been calling "'light' racism" could better be described as "prejudice". A good point, thanks. I hoped I was being clear where I stand on this from the beginning, where I said I think we need to work to move beyond this fear as a society. And obviously racists can fuck right off. I was simply trying to draw a humorous comparison between people who can't believe that people are still prejudiced and people who can't believe that someone hasn't seen Star Wars. To me, both seem to be living under a rock. To be fair, one could now say that I've been living under a rock for thinking that people wouldn't still have difficulty believing that people are prejudiced.
  6. Maybe they're racist. Probably they are, since I think we all are to some degree. But that's just it, it seems to me that saying they have "demographic anxiety" is an attempt to distinguish between their "light" racism (fearing the unfamiliar) and hooded cross-burners. One can say "well if you're even a little bit racist, you're racist" and while true from a certain point of view, there are major differences in the behavioral consequences of each type, IMO. Maybe I'm trying to give them more credit than they're due, and we should call a spade a spade. I just didn't want to assume that someone is a secret Nazi simply because they are afraid of change.
  7. On the one hand, I got away with a lot of really dumb things when I was younger. On the other hand, if you need to be warned not to jump out of a moving car, I'm not sure how much hope there is for your survival.
  8. I don't believe you're doing this yourself so please don't take this personally, but this kind of poopooing of people's fears annoys me a bit. The guy can't seem to believe that people might be afraid of someone who is different than them, or being a bit afraid of the unknown, when we've spent thousands of years of our evolutionary history doing just that. Obviously the time for that is over and it's time to move on to a multicultural society free of fear of "the other". But to find it hard to believe that this still happens reminds me of people who just can't fucking believe that someone has never seen Star Wars or something. :P
  9. More evidence that older men who wear Hawaiian shirts anywhere but the beach are not to be trusted.
  10. I move we name it "The Fetid Press Pool"
  11. The Press Pool sounds like The Cesspool.
  12. I'll admit, what pisses me off the most about this tweet is not necessarily Giuliani's idiotic comments. That's par for the course. It's the fact that it has a Play button on it but it isn't a goddamn video!
  13. Geesh, that poor guy. Give your girlfriend of two years a gift, and accidentally kill her.
  14. Controlling all three branches yet still making threats to shut down the government to get what you want...
  15. Huh? Some people intentionally avoid trailers and press releases specifically for this reason.
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