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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I never used to drink coffee but the cafe culture here in Europe is just too strong and I couldn't resist. I drink at least one per day, usually at home but sometimes from differing cafes with coffees of differing origins. This summer I've been hitting up Starbucks a lot though, because it's about the only place where you can get cold coffee. Iced Americano FTW!
  2. The only one I've really made time for lately is the Waking Up podcast from Sam Harris. He gets some really interesting guests on, talking about current events and politics, science, medicine, technology, meditation, history, etc.
  3. Getting upset about this comment by Trump seems to me to be about as stupid as getting upset at someone for kneeling at a football game. I didn't get the impression from the audio that he was making light of their deaths, and Trump routinely does some truly despicable shit. Is this really worth getting upset over?
  4. Although nothing beats @NeoJoe , I'll call with a.
  5. Idiocracy - 6/10 Very silly but had some pretty amusing parts. The best documentary I've seen in a long time.
  6. Neither would surprise me. The article did say they drew a blood sample at the time to test for alcohol and drugs so hopefully we'll find out.
  7. That really sucks, sorry to hear it @skillzdadirecta . I don't quite understand why she wouldn't want to hold the guy accountable though. I mean, even if she isn't sure his motivations were racially-motivated, it's still a crap job.
  8. It's pretty early, but my dad sent me a picture today from Costco, where they already have Christmas trees up.
  9. Will definitely be keeping an eye on this phone as it gets closer to release. I'm hoping to get a new phone in the next couple months and would definitely wait for this if it's worth it. And unless it's a total turd, it will almost certainly be worth it to me, as I love the stock Android experience.
  10. Why the sorrow, @gamer.tv ? Did you mention it on the boards here somewhere? I'm currently reading Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue. It's about a Cameroonian man who comes to the US looking for opportunity and begins to work as the chauffeur for an executive of the Lehman Brothers right before the crash. He eventually brings his wife and son over and the book follows them all through the events of the crash. It's very highly rated on Goodreads (currently sitting at a 3.95/5.0) and I believe she may have won some awards for the book. I'm only about 45 pages in but it has already really grabbed my attention; her writing style is excellent, and you really feel for the man and his wife.
  11. I've greatly reduced the amount of meat I eat in recent years, and I try to generally buy organic food if possible. It's very widely available here in Germany and as a result the cost is pretty reasonable, though usually still more expensive than the non-organic.
  12. That doesn't seem like it's legal, to give you just a couple days' notice. As to the topic, it's not a holiday here in Germany, so it'll be just another day.
  13. ^ But I'd try it. Am I a hipster now?
  14. Unfortunately I don't have anything to contribute to the topic, but I just wanted to say it's good to see you again!
  15. I finished this a couple days ago. I very much enjoyed it, and getting to look behind the curtain of diplomacy was illuminating. He says at the end that he conducted about 200 interviews for the book, including all living former Secretaries of State, and those kinds of insider insights were worth the read alone, IMO, not to mention his interview with Abdul Rashid Dostum. His central thesis, namely that the US is abdicating its global influence due to a focus on military solutions rather than diplomacy, and that the State Department is continually being gutted and sidelined, is probably not new information to anyone who was paying attention in recent decades, but personally I found the account of how we got here and his call for a return to this kind of old-school diplomacy to be very interesting and compelling.
  16. I'm having a Radler, what we know as a shandy (i.e. beer and Sprite). You know this brand from your time in Germany, right @Jason ?
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